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Hawks’ sportswear

Hamid Ali (S2164641)

Communication plan
Hawks’ sportswear

Table of Contents

Target audience.........................................................................................................................................3

The advertising message strategy.............................................................................................................4




Logo and brand name...............................................................................................................................5

 Typeface.............................................................................................................................................6

FCB grid and its implication for placement............................................................................................7

 One/two-sided message......................................................................................................................9

 Order of presentation......................................................................................................................10

 Source credibility.............................................................................................................................11

 Personal relevance...........................................................................................................................11

 Color that is used in ads..................................................................................................................12

 Symbols used in the advert.............................................................................................................12

Choice of media.......................................................................................................................................13

 Outdoor advertising........................................................................................................................13

 Billboards.........................................................................................................................................13

 Instagram.........................................................................................................................................14

 Facebook..........................................................................................................................................14

Media schedule........................................................................................................................................15



Hawks’ sportswear


Table of figures

Figure 1- Hawks brand name and logo........................................................................................................4

Figure 2- Typeface of hawks brand.............................................................................................................6
Figure 3- FCB grid model (Kumar, 2015)...................................................................................................8
Figure 4- Hawks color scheme..................................................................................................................12
Figure 5-APPENDIX 1 Bus Stop Roller Pre-Opening (Design One)........................................................19
Figure 6-APPENDIX 2 Billboard Poster Pre-Opening..............................................................................20
Figure 7-APPENDIX 3 - Six Sheet Ad (Post-Opening)............................................................................21
Figure 8-APPENDIX 4 - Billboard Poster Post-Opening..........................................................................22
Figure 9-APPENDIX 5 - Newspaper Ad (Pre-Opening)...........................................................................23
Figure 10-APPENDIX 6 - Instagram Ad (Pre-Opening)..........................................................................24
Figure 11-Appendix 7: Hawks website......................................................................................................25
Hawks’ sportswear


In 2022, a new sportswear business called Hawks sportswear will open on Buchanan Street in Glasgow

Buchanan Street, providing customers with a range of ecologically friendly fitness clothing. Buchanan

Street in Glasgow's core business area will be the new home of the Hawks' corporate offices. More than

55 million people are anticipated to visit Buchanan Strip, Britain's second-largest shopping street.

Females aged 25 to 40 will be the second-largest demographic group to call New York City home in

2020, with 106,164 women in the city. (Floyd, 2020)

Target audience

According to the brief, the brand's core target demographic is between the ages of 20 and 40. With a

median age of 48, it's safe to say that this generation will be split into two different groups: the X and the

Y. In general, Generation X, those born between 1980 and 1995, is the first consumer-oriented

generation, with a high degree of recreational purchase and consumption (Smith, 2016). Influenced by

digital media, young people under the age of 35 are shown to purchase things that reflect their

personality, lifestyle and cultural values (Sichol, 2019). They have a better grasp of environmental issues

and a higher appetite for fast-fashion alternatives than previous generations (Jin & Shin, 2020). To put it

another way, boomers are more inclined to spend money on things with a social conscience than they are

on those without (Moon, 2018).

People who were born after 1995 and have had frequent access to the internet are regarded to be part of

Gen Y. More than any other generation, Generation X is open to internet shopping and digital marketing.

Generation Y's shopping habits are influenced by a variety of elements, including the brands' political

viewpoint, their distinctiveness and inventiveness, and the genuineness of their message. A broad variety
Hawks’ sportswear

of communication strategies and goods that are socially responsible and reflect the core values of the

company are necessary for brands to thrive. (Hubspot., 2020)

The advertising message strategy


Figure 1- Hawks brand name and logo

Hawks’ sportswear


Logo and brand name

To put it another way: A company's name is one of the most essential parts of its branding according to

Keller and Cobb-Walgreen et al. (al., 2016). Brand identity helps to distinguish and Organise customer

interactions, which in turn impacts their purchasing choices and adds value to the firm. Hawks has been

proposed as a potential brand name when it comes to environmental problems. This Latin phrase, which

means "HUNT," is used to emphasize the usage of recycled materials in the production of sportswear.

Customers should recognise the brand's link to nature as soon as they hear its name. The logo emphasizes

this link. Peaceful and conscious of both the human connection to sports as well as its environmental

impact, the image serves as a reminder of how important it is for brands to focus on originality and

ethically sourced materials in their product development. There has been a great deal of investigation into

what Aaker (1997) refers to as "the human attributes consumers identify with a given company displayed

by the female figure in the logo." Creating this optical illusion necessitates the use of a dark hue like

BLACK. This is one of the most effective methods at one's disposal (Perrin, 2019).

The HAWKS brand's concept is built on a foundation of environmentally friendly and renewable

resources and manufacturing methods. People who encounter the soil are likely to have a strong
Hawks’ sportswear

connection to the brand because of its symbolic and psychological significance. HAWKS performs these

symbolic tasks via its socially responsible business activities and partnerships with the public. Customers

react to advertising because they want their own ideas and those of the companies with whom they deal to

be in sync.


Hawks Britannic
unique as Blackadder
Figure 2- Typeface of hawks brand

An organisation may accomplish its communication objectives and stand out in a crowded market by

choosing the correct font for its logo. Fonts are an important part of a brand's identity and may influence

the semantic connections people to develop when they see them. Both the logo's typeface and the

statement that goes along with it are supposed to evoke the overall picture of the Hawks brand and entice

new consumers. The following is a comprehensive list of the fonts used:

 Britannic

When it comes to body text legibility, the Lucida family has it all: large x-height (high lowercase

letters), open apertures, and widely spaced characters. Britannic, a humanist sans serif font, was

designed with narrow and short capitals to stand out from other fonts with all-caps acronyms.

Using this method, you may produce a text that is both visually appealing and easy to read.

 Blackadder
Hawks’ sportswear

Type designer Tom Rickner alluded upon Matthew Carter's 1993 serif typeface Blackadder for Microsoft.

The serif font was created to look lovely while yet being legible at tiny sizes and on low-resolution


The employment of two typefaces in the logo demonstrates the Hawks’ brand identity. It's not only the

"Incredible unique as you" tagline in Blackadder typeface that contrasts with the company name's

Britannic font; it's also the clothing's identity. Thus, the audience is better able to interpret and remember

the brand's message, as well as enhance brand recall and memorability (O, 2016).

FCB grid and its implication for placement

Combining several sequence models with the FCB grid technique was advocated by Vakratsas and

Ambler (1999). Although certain objects may fall into quadrants one and three or quadrants two and four

of the FCB grid, which is often a quadrant-based layout. The approach is built using a consumer

thinking/feeling matrix, as well as a low/high degree of involvement. Traditional advertising theories,

consumer behavior models, brain specialization theories, and consumer engagement in the decision-

making process are the four types of product advertising planning that the model suggests based on an

extensive study in these areas. (Dahlén, 2018)

Hawks’ sportswear

Figure 3- FCB grid model (Kumar, 2015)

In spite of its age, this model is still useful for assessing consumer buying behavior and may be used in a

variety of situations and scenarios for creating advertising campaigns of all kinds.

The FCB paradigm divides products into four quadrants based on two characteristics: high and low

participation and thinking vs. feeling. Commodity utilitarian qualities produce cognitive judgments that

affect the left side of the brain (thinking) in this model's specialization component. Right-brain (feeling)

functions are motivated by emotional appeal and value emotive product functions, but the left-brain

(thinking) processes are not (thinking). The grid illustrates how taking into account both of these aspects

might result in the most successful advertising plan.

Customer participation is also part of the FCB model, which considers consumer interest in a product

throughout the purchase process (Cheong & Cheong, 2021). For goods, high involvement items are those

that need more financial or physical commitment and may be referred to as uncommon or risky, whereas

low involvement products are more frequent and require less risk or attention. This model suggests that

promotional activities should be adjusted if the featured product isn't being used.
Hawks’ sportswear

The emotional and successful kinds of advertising are represented by Hawks in quadrant 2. Look no

farther than the right-hand quadrant when it comes to situations demanding significant degrees of

emotional and egotistical engagement. Sportswear company Hawks is mindful of its role in fast fashion

for individuals who lead an active and healthy lifestyle and are committed to sustainability (both mentally

and physically).

There is a change in attitude as well as a rise in emotional arousal in this quadrant's impact on the testing

procedure. This method should be deployed in large areas, such as lighting 5 sheet poster sites and big

print media spreads, to maximise media exposure. Therefore, the effect of innovation on clients will be

assessed by focusing on attracting their attention and persuading them that Hawks is a better option than a

less responsible brand.

Sporting gear is a value-expressive product that is susceptible to the purchase choices and sentiments of

its consumers (Yeshin, 2016). A highly graphic ad must emotionally engage the viewer due to the

location's ramifications. As a result, the target audience's lifestyle or values should be depicted in the

advertising strategy chosen. Most individuals are drawn to things that have some of their own features. To

help customers better understand Hawks, the firm uses aesthetically attractive graphics and designs in its

marketing strategy.

One/two-sided message
Your product's message to the public is the most important part of a marketing campaign's success or

failure. Etgar and Goodwin (1982) were the first to employ traditional persuasion studies to study two-

way communication. Ideas from both sides were exchanged in a two-way conversation that conveyed

both their support and their opposition (Elseidi, 2017). However, a one-sided letter contains solely good

information (Eisend, 2021). In theory, two-way communication has a greater probability of changing an

audience's original perspective and enhancing source confidence than one-way communication. Many
Hawks’ sportswear

studies have shown that there is no significant difference in purchase intention or customer mood between

one-sided and two-sided communications.

Research shows that two-sided messaging works best for high-involvement products like sports

equipment, while advertising for apparel should stick to a single side. Using a single message while

advertising to those who have no previous knowledge of the product or brand is more successful. Because

Hawks is a new brand to the general public, a two-sided message might tarnish their perceptions.

Order of presentation
In advertising, consumers' responses are impacted by the sequence in which different pieces of

information are given to them. Ads may be adjusted to the information source in order to get the desired

effect. The primacy effect and the regency influence are two approaches to categorize the order in which

information is presented.

Buyers' impressions are said to be based on the first piece of advertising content, according to the primacy

effect theory. For those who haven't heard of it before, the "recurrence effect" describes how people tend

to recall and act on the most recent information they are exposed to. (Fill by 2020)

It is critical that Hawks' advertising represents the demographic that the firm is targeting. Gender may

have an impact on the efficacy of the order presented. In their study, they discovered that women

displayed the primacy effect, paying more attention to advertising signals than males. Advertisers may be

sure that their target audience will remember them if they use the most visually attractive and eye-

catching material initially. The "GRAND OPENING" title on the Hawks billboard ad (Appendix 2) is

bolded in order to urge local customers to stop by. There is higher first-eye attention on brand names and

logos than on everything else. (Kumar, 2015)

Hawks’ sportswear

Source credibility
For Hawks, core connections include: cutting-edge technology, high-quality/stylish items, the pleasure

and enjoyment of sports, maximum performance, self-empowerment and inspiration, involvement in the

local and regional community, and a commitment to global responsibility.

Personal relevance
Customer demands, attitudes, and preferences are all factors that determine whether an advertisement is

relevant. If a marketing effort is to succeed, it is vital (Hudson, 2017).

Advertising must have a direct influence on the recipient's interests, opinions, or beliefs in order to be

regarded as relevant to the target market. According to this notion, consumers are less likely to pay

attention to advertisements if their personal relevance is poor.

As a high-engagement product, Hawks need a deep bond with its intended audience. They use a wide

range of people to represent the outfit in order to better reach their intended audience (Appendix 5).

Diversity is promoted when firms include individuals from diverse ethnic backgrounds or physical types.

This technique has the potential to create positive associations with a company's brand. Personal

relevance may be achieved by using images that represent the demographics of the desired audience.
Hawks’ sportswear

Color that is used in ads

Figure 4- Hawks color scheme

Most contemporary advertising uses color to evoke an emotional or behavioral reaction, and research has

proven that color has an influence on people's feelings. Color has also been demonstrated to improve

memory and focus in those who are having trouble retaining new knowledge. This team's logo is made up

of a set of four distinct colors. The campaign's color palette matches the Attire line's hues well."

Advertisements for the product have a mostly black backdrop with accents of blue, crimson, and other

hues. Purple is the color of wisdom, bravery, and spirituality. In order to create an image of serenity and

reliability, you must avoid becoming a sportswear brand. New beginnings, a feeling of freshness, and

safety are all connoted by the color white. People seldom sense bad emotions when they see white, unlike

many other colors. It's also a popular color for high-end and elite websites. As a result, it's a great fit for

the target demographic and solves their specific demands.

Symbols used in the advert

Marketers use images to help their customers become more familiar with and remember their brand. Use

of visual imagery may be used to influence consumer and market perceptions and reactions.
Hawks’ sportswear

A wide spectrum of people in both men’s and women's clothing may be seen in Hawks advertising, as

previously indicated. Perception and persuasion may be achieved by employing images in advertising.

Words alone don't have the power to sway people's opinions the way that pictures can. As can be seen in

Appendix 2, where the models seem to be happy and wearing sports gear, this has been shown to boost

audience satisfaction and good brand perceptions. The urge to exercise is sparked by advertisements that

depict people exercising, according to studies. In order to get the desired response from potential

customers, the outfit relies heavily on visuals.

Choice of media
Outdoor advertising
Outdoor advertising is still a great technique for improving a brand's exposure and driving sales. In order

to construct highly visible campaigns that evoke strong emotional reactions from their target audience,

Hawks may employ outdoor advertising. The Hawks’s marketing plan calls for the employment of three

main types of outdoor advertising. The following is a list of the pertinent information and locations:

 In addition to York Road, Dumbarton Road, and the Great Western Road, there are 32 single-

sided billboards in all. After the Opening: a.

 These six-sheet ads are illuminated (Appendix 3) These are the streets that makeup Buchanan:

Argyle: Byers: Sauchiehall: Union: Glassford

On Great Western Road, York Street, and Dumbarton Road, Hawks will showcase two billboard designs.

For the initial billboard, the main aim is brand awareness (Appendix 2). Two weeks from now, a fresh

billboard design will alert customers that the firm has reopened. This will be accessible for two weeks

after the launch.

Every day, tens of thousands of vehicles pass across the most congested route in the United Kingdom.

There is a captive audience of commuters in traffic because they have more time to study adverts. As a
Hawks’ sportswear

consequence, shoppers are more likely to see and pay attention to Hawks billboards. As a result of its

closeness to the M8, York Street has become a popular choice for commuters coming into and going out

of Glasgow. A billboard on Dumbarton Road will assist raise brand recognition among women in their

20s and 40s because of its proximity to Glasgow University, which has a student body of 30,000.

(Portugal:, 2016)

Like a picture and video-sharing social networking site, Instagram grew out of the emergence of

influencer marketing and technical advancements. Visual brand storytelling and more user-generated

content are made possible by this new technology. To break through the social media gridlock,

Instagram's visual features have helped businesses. A well-executed online visual ad campaign may boost

brand awareness, traffic, involvement, and customer interest (appendix 6)

As a result, the FCB grid layout of the site perfectly matches the marketing strategies of the Hawks.

• #TEAMHAWKS: This hashtag will be used to connect all of the brand's online followers and

consumers. Because of this, it will be simpler to build an online brand community and promote user-

generated content. (Ericeira, 2021)

To boost customer purchase intent, word-of-mouth and buzz marketing on Facebook may assist build

brand recognition and equity. With the help of well-crafted Facebook paid-for posts, companies can zero

in on certain demographics, such as age ranges or geographic locations. In Facebook ad postings, you

have the option of using emotional triggers, advertisements, and picture advertising. (Curl:, 2021)
Hawks’ sportswear

The viewer and the brand create a deep emotional connection. The firm is pushing its email marketing

efforts while simultaneously giving customers a unique price by offering a discount on their first

purchase. (Hurley:, 2021)

Media schedule
May June
5-May 6-May 7-May 8-May 9-May 10-May 1 -May 12-May 13-May 14-May 15-May 16-May 17-May 18-May 19-May 20-May 21-May 2 -May 23-May 24-May 25-May 26-May 27-May 28-May 29-May 30-May 31-May 1-Jun 2-Jun 3-Jun 4-Jun 5-Jun 6-Jun 7-Jun 8-Jun 9-Jun 10-Jun 1 -Jun

Tel us advertising schedule

Outdo r mediaad
bus top rol ers tylemile
6she tads
Bil board 1
bil board 2
Hawks’ sportswear

Print media
Newspaper ad
stylemile 6she t
Buchanan gal eries il uminated 6she t
Univeristy campus cre ns
Social media

Facebo k
Hawks’ sportswear

Hawks’ sportswear


If the formulation of a strategy for effectively promoting the debut of a new sportswear firm in the heart

of Glasgow's downtown zone had not taken place, this research would not have been complete. The

researchers' effort resulted in the development of a method for conducting their investigation. An

effective brand's ability to express its goal of pleasing both local and non-local consumers in its target

market via effective outdoor advertising, print media, and social media campaigns is critical to the brand's

success. As a result of Hawks' brand positioning as a readily accessible, environmentally friendly fitness

company that serves its target audience via long-term, highly visible, aesthetically engaging commercials

and image packages, the company has achieved this level of commercial and image package success (as

well as other marketing materials).

Hawks’ sportswear

Curl:, F. R., 2021.

Dahlén, M. a. L. F., 2018. Marketing communications. Hoboken: Wiley..

Ericeira, F. B., 2021.

Floyd, W. S. a. W. B., 2020. Handbook of middle management strategy process research. New York:
Elgar Online..

Hubspot., 2020. The 2019 European social media usage report. Dublin, Ireland: Hubspot, Inc..

Hurley:, F., 2021.

Kumar, V., 2015. Evolution of Marketing as a Discipline: What Has Happened and What to Look Out
For.. Journal of Marketing,, Volume 79, pp. 1-9.

Moon, G. a. B. J., 2018. 10X marketing formula: your blueprint for creating ‘competition-free content’
that stands out and gets results. Bismarck: CoSchedule..

O, A., 2016. The hatred and bitterness behind two of the world's most popular brands,.

Perrin, A. &. A. M., 2019. Share of U.S. adults using social media, including Facebook, is mostly
unchanged since 2018. Web..

Portugal:, F. B., 2016.

Sichol, L. B., 2019. From an idea to Nike: how marketing made Nike a global success. Boston: Mifflin

Smith, K. a. H. D., 2016. Experiential marketing: secrets, strategies and success stories from the world’s
greatest brands. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons..

Yeshin, T., 2016. Sales promotion. London: Thomson Learning..

Hawks’ sportswear


Figure 5-APPENDIX 1 Bus Stop Roller Pre-Opening (Design One)

Hawks’ sportswear

Figure 6-APPENDIX 2 Billboard Poster Pre-Opening

Hawks’ sportswear

Figure 7-APPENDIX 3 - Six Sheet Ad (Post-Opening)

Hawks’ sportswear

Figure 8-APPENDIX 4 - Billboard Poster Post-Opening

Hawks’ sportswear

Figure 9-APPENDIX 5 - Newspaper Ad (Pre-Opening)

Hawks’ sportswear

Figure 10-APPENDIX 6 - Instagram Ad (Pre-Opening)

Hawks’ sportswear

Figure 11-Appendix 7: Hawks website

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