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Ionescu Monica grupa 1511

Tema seminar 8, dialog

Mr Browning: Hello!

Mrs Johnson: Hello! Perry’s company, how can we help you?

Mr Browning: I’m Mr Browning and I want to visit your company next Thursday . I have some ideas that
might interest you about some changes that need to be made in the program.

Mrs Johnson: I agree. Can you give me more details?

Mr Browning : I prefer to see Ms Sanders and Mr Russell before I meet Mr Green.

Mrs Johnson: Sure. Sure. I have scheduled a meeting for you on Thursday at 11 o'clock with Ms Sanders
and at 12 o'clock with Mr Russell.

Mr Browning: Sure, I'll be there.

Mrs Johnson : Do you want to go to the seafood restaurant? I suggest we change the meeting with Mr
Russell at 1 o'clock instead of 12 o'clock.

Mr Browning: Sure, it's no problem.

Mrs Johnson: Unfortunately, Mrs. Green can't receive visits until after 4 p.m. Wait a minute, please. I'll
make you a booking.

Mr Browning : I agree.

Mrs Johnson: I inform you that there is a flight at 7:15 and if you want, I will make a booking.

Mr Browning: Thank you very much, but I'm undecided. I'll call you later to confirm everything.

Mrs Johnson: Sure, but you better send an e-mail to us, please!

Mr Browning: Okay, I'll do it! I wish you a beautiful day! Goodbye!

Mrs Johnson: Thanks, same to you! Goodbye!

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