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Name : Baiq Resti Rizanti

Nim : E1D020051
Class : 4B /Acadmic Writing


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1. Topics :
- Early Marrage in Sasak Culture
- School students should be allowed to curate their high school curriculum.
- The benefits of using a learning management system (LMS)  in higher
- impacts of using mobile phones too much.
- Social media platform owners should monitor and block comments
containing hateful language.

2. The most interesting topic

- Early marrage in Sasak Culture

3. Outlining :

1. Early marriage is a marriage carried out by a partner or one of the

partners is still categorized as children or adolescents under the age of 19
2. Early marriage will have a positive effect if the couple is mentally and
physically ready.
- Minimize the bad effects of dating.
- It's easier to take care of the household
- Easier opportunity to have children
3. Another side of Early marriage is It will have a negative impact and
become a problem if the couple is not physically and mentally ready to
- Poverty rate increases
- Higher risk of miscarriage
- Easy divorce
4. In conclusion, Early marriage is something that often happens in the
Sasak-Lombok tribe. Early marriage is caused by many factors including
family, lineage, friends, culture and traditions, and others.

4. Thesis statment :

Married at a young age is the choice of everyone that must be respected

regardless of the positive and negative sides, but it is better if married young is
done by a partner who is physically, mentally, and financially ready to establish a
household relationship, because it will create a harmonious relationship.

5. Research questions :

- What kind of negative impacts can be experienced by a woman who

married at an early age ?
- What is the opinion of the Sasak community regarding early marriage
which often occurs in the Sasak culture ?

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