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Always grateful

many things can make us complain about our life everyday. Sometimes we compare our life with the
others. it feels like life is unfair because we feel everything is so difficult and unhappy.

So, why do we feel unhappy of our life? . It could be because we are less grateful of what we have.

Be thankful on everything on whatever we have in life. About our healthy, friendship, work, family, food,
and everything that God has given to us ,from the biggest things to the smallest things

When you begin to understand how important to be grateful, our view of life will be changed to be more
positive. we can feel different happiness feeling, we can feel a positive energy comes to us.

previously, we might often associate happiness with something big, such as: having lots of money or
buying expensive items. However, with gratitude, even small things can make us happy. Even when we
just enjoy the rain while drinking coffee on the terrace of the house, we can get a huge happiness from

Gratitude will emerge positive emotions, such as love and joy.

Always remember that when we are grateful, we will be happy. By being happy. All of our duty, task, job
can be done easily. And of course we can reach our dream.

Doing Good Habits to Change Life to Be Better

If we want to change our life better, we need to change our daily habits. Habit is a daily
behavior that is conducted without the need to think or motivate yourself to do it.

There are some habits that will help someone get better and there are also habits that will stop
someone from achieving a goal.

We have to turn bad habits into good habits immediately.

If you are a lazy person to learn, then immediately change this habit, be more diligently to
master new skills and add new knowledge.

If we rarely to have exercise. start it by walking or jogging for 10 minutes, and increase the time
day by day.

If you never care about your appearance, your look. spend extra time on care more about your
appearance. Your appearance is able to provide a significant boost of confidence., appearance
is able to create an image for someone. Although there is a saying about "don't judge the book
by its cover", a cover or appearance is indeed able to create a first impression. Especially for
someone who hasn't known by many people.

If your sleep is less than 8 hour, then fix your sleep, because a quality sleep is able to
encourage more maximum productivity. sufficient sleep also helps reduce stress levels and
makes the body more awake. this will improve the quality of life both physically and non-
physically which can make our life better.
Realize our dream.

In order to change someone quickly, then someone must have a dream and be prepared to make it
happen. Dreams make someone excited and able to look forward with more passion. Of course, when
having a dream, is not enough if we just keep in our mind, but it needs real action.

it also needs patience, consistency and diligence in achieving it. Gradually, what we dream can be
reached, even though it was not as easy as we thought. All things need a process, and enjoy all the

Being successful and making change of yourself really needs time, discipline, and patience. No
matter how great you are, and how big the effort that you do.

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