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Influence of human beings on the world's ecosystem is leading to the extinction of species and loss of bio-


Our environment is constantly changing.There is no denying that.However,as our

enviroment changes,so does the need to become icreasingly aware of the problems that
surround it.For the last 50 years ciivization human has changed the diversity.They are doing
everything to satisfy their lavish life without thinking other inhabitants life and side effects
they have made to the environment in the name of progress.There are many reasons why
many species have extinction and loss of bio-diversity.This essay will discuss some reasons
and will measure some solutions.
To begin with,the main issue is the deforestation.It eliminates some species.People migrate
towards cities for their betterment as a result,as a result the squares of forests are
dicreasing.Therefore many inhabitants loose their food and shelter ,which they usually get
from jungles,forests,that’s why it’s more comlicated for them to survive.For
example,everyday the number of tigers are dimishing till minimal level due to no
conventional conditionals to live.
Another major issue with similar implications is water pollution caused by humans.
Untreated industrial refuse is constantly dumped into water bodies, posing a great threat to
marine ecosystems. In fact, toxic substances destroy the homes of millions of aquatic
creatures, forcing them to seek refuge elsewhere. This is the case of sea turtles, which are
now considered to be an endangered species.

Therefore, it is crucial that we effectively address these issues. Creating protected areas for
animals who face extinction is one possible solution to protect forest biodiversity. In natural
parks and reserves they will be nourished and protected from harmful activities.
As per marine pollution, governments could introduce laws and fines for industries that
illegally dispose of their waste in the sea. Financial penalties will deter such harmful actions and
indirectly help keep the environment of sea life clean and unspoiled. The Great Barrier Reef, for
instance, is home to a wide range of creatures and is protected by strict laws and regulations.

To sum up, in order to preserve biodiversity of the forests and oceans, humans should protect
natural habitats and abstain from harmful actions.

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