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September 2021

Writing Pretest

Monuments represent the times and people to which they are accredited to thus being less

of an object and more of an ideal. To create a revised Mount Rushmore is to create a symbolic

relic that is able to represent all the American values over the past century; one hundred years of

idealism in one piece of art. In order to capture this idealism, it is important that those who are

shown monumentally can adequately symbolize an era of romances, resialance, and honor.

Throughout all of human existence there have been tales of romance that define that time,

of the last century no one defines romance and radiates an era of romantic film as actress

Marilyn Monroe. What she represented was the woman every girl wanted to be and every man

wanted to be with. Her success in the film industry would represent American growth during and

after World War II while her tragic death would define the hardships and downfalls that were

faced during that time. The beauty behind it is that even today she is romanticized and accredited

to be the hollywood sex-symbol of the 50s but behind that character, she is a symbol for

feminism, racial equality, and mental health awareness. Her face on a monument would not only

show American romances in their traditional light, but a developed sense of self love as well.

In the past one hundred years there have been tragedies and hardships faced by all who

live and those hardships must never be forgotten as to constantly remind us to make the United

States, and furthermore the world, a better place. Thus bringing the second figure to be George

W. Bush. An American president fits the theme of a patriotic monument and captures one of the

worst tragedies of the nation's history, September 11, 2001. His face would be to represent the

lives taken and be a reminder of the war on terrorism which is to be hoped to never occur in such
a way as it did ever again. His efforts led to the eventual justices made done by American

soldiers to conclude many branches of the war against terrorism while his sympathy seen during

his time as president aided the dismayed homefront. The resiliency of Americans and a tribute to

those lost will be shown through his eyes looking proud as a monument to represent the era.

Virtue and honor can be seen valiantly triumphing throughout the past century in the

United States. The relations that human beings have with each other now is more respectful and

closer to a utopia than ever before. This relationship has taken years of work to achieve over the

last century and thus two figures who have the honor to represent the advancements of their

times are Martin Luther King Jr and Susan B. Anthony. Racial relations have advanced

enormously since the start of the century and the known representative face to symbolize this

will yell out his famous “I have a dream” speech for centuries to come as he gazes down from

where he is sculpted. In a different light but similar existence, women's suffrage and rights can

be seen as fought for throughout the last century. Susan B. Anthony will continue to march

symbolically as a figure on the monument.

Although it is impossible to recreate the emotional occurrences of an entire century on

the face of a mountain, symbolic and interpretable figures are placed to allow people to see what

it means to have shared American values over one hundred years of life. The undeniable visible

as well as the hidden hardships, advancements, and determination doth be seen by the masses to

look into the eyes of four figures who have defined the past century in its victories and

hardmanships as to never be forgotten.

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