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75 Sport and leisure Sports sport athletics track vest, shorts, running shoes motor racing | circuit crash helmet swimming pool swimming costume (women); trunks (men) boxing ring ice hockey rink skiing ski slopes hiking, rock climbing jogging, J often go camping in the summer. _ 1 do a bit offa lot of rock climbing in Wales. I really enjoy hiking. Jogging keeps me fit. (= keeps my body healthy) HEC) What do you do? Notice the common verb + noun combinations here, e.g. do exercise or play a game. Do you do much sport? go skiing in the winter. play a lot of ice hockey. 1 go to the gym (= gymnasium) a week, es where I do aerobics and a bit of weight training. Is it expensive to join (= become a member of) a sports club? I plan to take up (= start) golf when I get older. Thad to give up (= stop) athletics after | injured my back. Swimming is good for you. (= helps people to stay healthy) You need to do/take more exercise if you want to get fit. (= become fit/get in good condition) A: Which team do you support? (= like and follow) B: Real Madrid. I’ve supported them all my life. Do you take it seriously? A: [take sport very seriously (= sport is very important to me) and when I play team games I'm very competitive (= I try hard and always want to win). What about you? b: No. Pm the complete opposite (= I'm completely different: opp I'm exactly the same). only play for fun. (= for pleasure/enjoyment) 152 English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate) 75.1 75.2 Exercises ‘Organise these words and put them in the correct columns below. swimming costume motor racing crashhelmet_ trunks circuit pool skates icehockey rink puck sticks sport place equipment Fill the gaps with the correct verb. .. much exercise? ly volleyball in the summer. 3: If possible, I'd like to a fitness club. 4 a: [love football. 8: Do you? Which team do you .. > a: Liverpool. 5. My Dad played football but Be ee last year. He said he was too old. 6 We used to camping in the mountains. 7 Why don’t you hiking or swimming, or something? You need more exercise. 8 If you want to.... .» fit, you need to run three or four miles every other day. Complete these sentences with a suitable word. Do you still do a lot of weight ...kminag.. Tenjoy jogging and it keeps me Liz doesn’t have much opportunity now to go rock Nigel loves dangerous sports; I'm the complete He has played for several good teams and he takes Lused to play a lot of ice ‘We still like watching motor I played for years, then I injured my ankle and I had to give In the summer I go jogging in the park. In the winter I exerci WOU AG RUNS 10 T love swimming, and it’s really good for .. Answer these questions. If possible, discuss your answers with someone else, 1 What sport do you do? 2 Do you take sport seriously or do you do it just for fun? 3. Are you very competitive? 4 Are you good at any sports? 5. Have you taken up a new sport recently? 6 Have you ever had to give up a sport for any reason? English Vocabulary in Use (presintermediate & intermediate) 153

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