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The Arc of the Triangle

1709 Legion Road, Suite 100

Chapel Hill, NC 27517
(919) 942-5119

April 15, 2019

Michelle Bagley
529 Hillsborough St.
Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Dear Michelle:

Thank you for your continued support. The generous and conscientious support from citizens like you
allow us to pursue our mission of improving the lives of the developmentally and intellectually disabled
individuals in the Triangle, such as my son.

Your past donations allowed two students, Jane and Milly, to attend our Arc cooking classes this year,
which have provided them with both important skills for advanced levels of autonomy and invaluable
friendships within the developmental and intellectual disabilities community. Thank you!

Our students love being a part of this community. You can hear what they have to say for yourself in our
Cooking Class Testimonial video on our website.

Each year our waiting list for financial aid grows. We have 13 local individuals on our list whose classes’
costs we can’t cover without the support of charitable donors like you.

Please consider making a life-long impact on three more local individuals by making a $60 donation
today to The Arc of the Triangle.

We thank you for your continued support and contributions to the many needy families and individuals
in our Chapel Hill community. We dearly value the Chapel Hill locals like you that make this beautiful city
the incredible community that it is.


Jennifer Pfaltzgraff
Executive Director

P.S. Many families in our city cannot afford to give their developmentally disabled loved ones the
support they need. Your donations can and do help fill that void. Thank you.

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