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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh

Good morning, honorable teachers and my dear friends. Thank you for being here. It
is a great honor for me to give a brief speech on the importance of education.

Education is essential for every person as it can lead us to a better future. However,
we may still face the major problem concerning of different standard of educations in
our country, Indonesia.

Education plays a vital role in providing us with knowledge. It helps us to understand

rightly how the world works so we can apply it in our real life to make it easier. The
true education is not only limited to lessons in classes but it is the whole knowledge
that can be obtained from lessons taught by life.

Apart from that, education also transforms us into a civilized human. It helps a
person to build good manners and characters, teaching us how to behave. In short, a
good education can humanize human.

As the old saying goes, “education is a key to success,” we need it to open the door
to brilliant career opportunities. It builds our confidence to make wise decisions, face
life challenges, and to rise from failures. Mapping out a strategy and setting goals is
the best way to reach success in our career. As our global world nowadays demands
on the top quality of works, well-educated people usually earn higher salaries. It is
undeniable that we need money to buy necessities and desirables. Only through a
good education, an individual will get a higher chance of getting a job with a high

Lastly, at a greater scale, education is important for national progress which means
we as the citizens must equip ourselves with proper education. We should never
neglect education and we can be called as unwise if we do so. Although education is
not listed as human basic needs, we have to realize that we are the assets of our
country. Therefore we need to make sure the future of our country is safe in the hand
of an educated society.

In conclusion, getting a good education is the best way to self-empowerment. It

helps us to spot our true potential and talent, so that we may be able to sharpen our
skills. It is important for everyone to have an equitable education for a better future of
our people and country. Thank you for lending me your attention.

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi wa barakatuh

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