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The Inca civilization still has influence.

They keep conventional

activities. The lives of Inca kings was forgotten until an archaeologists
discovered unknown sites. They believed that the new discovery
revealed the state of an Inca rising much earlier. To cope with the
changing weather, they united to survive, then later moved to higher
ground and started terrace farming crops. Pachacutec successfully
attacked the area and eventually he and his sons subdued all the southern
rulers. Andean civilization thrived under Inca rule. They created high
ways and cultivated 70 different crops. Archaeologists have so far
discovered the ruins of dozens of similar estates built by at least six Inca
kings. The Inca empire slowly fell apart as they were defeated by
Spanish invaders who possessed weapons while the Inca lacked. The
Inca mummies are a vital part of Peru’s heritage, but today the location
of the great Inca kings’ burial site is unknown.

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