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I was Travelling from Ever Gotesco to our home literally is my first time traveling alone at night in a sort

of major way. I specifically was a generally little bit scared because I don’t basically know where the
jeepney’s going, also I for the most part was the only student inside, particularly further showing how I
for the most part was an actually little bit scared because I don’t definitely know where the jeepney’s
going, also I for all intents and purposes was the only student inside in a subtle way. While I for the most
part was thinking myself I basically listened a song from my earphone and it made my some of my
worries away, demonstrating that travelling from Ever Gotesco to our home generally is my first time
traveling alone at night in a definitely big way.

Since the jeepney essentially is a particularly public transportation it worries me a lot because the driver
really was fast because it specifically is night there mostly are only really few vehicles generally are
traveling, very further showing how since the jeepney for the most part is an actually public
transportation it worries me a lot because the driver for the most part was fast because it specifically is
night there mostly are only fairly few vehicles for the most part are traveling in a kind of big way. But
when I for all intents and purposes got to my destination I kind of feel happy because nothing for all
intents and purposes bad happens to me in a pretty major way.

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