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Although Romanian education is much cheaper, from one year to the next more and more students

choose to leave Romania for European countries in which to study in the major schools and universities
of the world, where they get scholarships that ensure a bright future. The educational institutions
abroad delight most Romanian students through scholarships, modern schools and non-conformist
teachers, from whom they have something to learn. While children in Romania are still studying in
dilapidated classrooms, with old furniture, in which they have not invested for years, in other European
countries the schools are equipped with the latest equipment, colorful and cheerful, and teachers teach
from the center and not in front of the students. Teachers in Finland, for example, must complete a five-
year college degree and a master's degree in pedagogy before reaching the department. Arriving in
front of the students, they have full freedom to spend from the school budget and decide for
themselves what they will teach. If in Finland students are encouraged to study especially the subjects
they do best, in Romania children are obliged to learn in all the subjects of education provided in the
school curriculum. The Romanian authorities are aware of these differences between our education
system and the one abroad, but they say that there is no money to raise us to their level, but they want
to take the example.

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