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Tu pinanual cruus

Las inesbed
et oO7- 08
le balluy Wicl a s
also callud tu a Ldval
Crbus E wos ene
o t e most
tnantuak rus SnmL tu
cat Deprcsw and prer o te
Covid 1 rtassien
th may0r o0. One
l n ulhrs to this
UA02s th Vnted stali
SuprumeLendng snic exfaded
Suguhcenthy n 0o-0C. mis caused
a sees banking tailures and
unc th finandal nstutaubon t
Man Con t so cleseu
coniictid to each stlhr, prollems
sprCad quicky wnich uad to
Wauud.t crid
Ootr tus pertd, illuons e
Pesplt t4t tauns jels nd. hounds

shat oloun. The
eAdam Cmith seumea
aeetwk ond the urgency
vtrnnent ntirvtntien 'was at i
One Duld aque hat Smuth
an adudcalk mMnimal
9vtnment niventem ano e u
t thu inuublh hand amnd
l o d ut u iluatio e.
But I held dstetnt s
Adan mth sas lkarned
man t erihcal and analytica
n y thouct procoss. Hii'
duwertes andtapruesothe
1 Ceituny a r t c m m e p d a H e
but at ti same m , thise
thaonesadhee th the poldemk ot
th 17 Centay amd th dlustna
ruslukon ad a r u t s it

Adam nithutnsucd the ernsu

007-o8, Leuld bawe hald
CntrastngutE Taword the

2Adanm mih encouraged og9sswt

Manutaciurnng and pdudbu and
mtrouced akwur and
thesy otvalue and' adso emphasaad
thatal tus should. trke l a e
u muumAl getammient
nbrertnce But" his thuercs e
ttid tm and anin o e
coneudtd tthat akeisruirt
MeT a u mumal opumme
intirvttnon. And as we e tu
mixed ecnom epeai nuariaus
wetnes, lndabin pne et l ,
ts clear that t ope rulaton
qeerm.meuti tsts , Lthont
tiltration a o r t crupuo
eonomy will thrue.
CDeh ment pla egnhcan a

aCountry , Speualy in dodem
tme Stat! interrndibn c u e a l
to ensurt ecenemMc stalbuy and
tull emplay ment oresourtd.
wn specnpcally takng about
e rrceAion U.K,the tnavcal
isiu ooo83 led ti a fall n

Sn the urtat Deprcs o

otdh 1930's . us coused a lenes
ankng toulurs leadung ti t«
oankrupc' mae commerual
bameske Lehnan Brotherd and
NoFthern ete The banks
hod dHunlt funduing t u n a n u to
e thu uune y e g ' . ond
ur aprouched
ached th
bank the Beunk at
Enofand as edir f last r e t
and sekd ts help Cetra bant
toail tam eut tYom thu ciu
Thus a s a huge pYodum as we
all know that "ttu' furamcal setor

and branks at baak uDnL a

when the banking sutor cmitrecth,
puls deon d ct the
CnsmY ww ' t
neaer To stabalze the
prvali sectore the pulluc sectr
hadlundurym mmnde una
mermeus amsunt t u c debt.
Thedhele pount thi areumnd
eing that t t gootrnment
unt ton dUmual ut tnis
Ciss and otherwue as t rtaulot
th ecenemu m Sun a maime
that t dets not lead i anoth
crs EuRn n m e t des
net pta aranii t ptnnten
anethi en , t dees mt
#dn asa maev help to deal
Smit wul od d hawt wond
Thus and maub aduorotid th'
gemmet plos tu voneui
dwelopme nd t a County
So do 'eht that Adam
Smu wld hart rconudnd

erkuas a th lnrtH Hand
amd had a eadir pespect m

stuttcaunct st th 'role st

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