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What is

Application Creation

Suppose, you have designed an application

Let’s share it
with the world
Docker System

You start using Docker containers to

package the application

Docker should make my

application work regardless of
the environment.

Suppose you've deployed on 3 different

servers with Docker & now your
application has started getting huge

Yeah, my application is
doing better than I

What you need now is to scale your

application fast; but how will you go from
3 servers to 30 servers that you might

1 How to decide which container will go


2 Should you monitor all containers?

how can assure that they'll restart if they
Out of Control

How to manage all of this?

Ah, I need to
restart them

Won't it be easier
if this behavior
was handled by a

Huh, I need to
create more
Role of Kubernetes

Kubernetes, also known as K8s, is an

open-source system for automating
deployment, scaling, and management of
containerized applications

Don’t worry, I
will take control
How it Works?

ü A Kubernetes cluster contains a set of worker

machines known as nodes that run
containerized applications

ü Every cluster has at least one worker node.

Hence, if a node fails, your application will still
be accessible from the other nodes as in a
cluster, multiple nodes are grouped
Components & Architecture
Kubernetes follows a client-server architecture.
It’s possible to have a multi-master setup (for high
availability), but by default there is a single master
server which acts as a controlling node and point
of contact. The master server consists of various
components including:

ü Kube-apiserver
ü Etcd storage
ü Kube-controller-manager
ü Cloud-controller-manager
ü Kube-scheduler
ü DNS server for Kubernetes services

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