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Be too good, classy or mature to do something; to disdain Eg, 1 thought you said you were above these kinds of antics. PHRADAL VERB WITH "BE" Outrank Exg, General Smith is above Private Johnson. Arrive Eg. L expect Fobn will be along soon Be around Be alive, existent, or present Exg I'll be around for another hour orso. Be in for Be incarcerated for Exg, My cousin is in for armed robbery. Be near; to socialize with Eg, You've fun to be around, Be able to expect, generally said of something unpleasant E.g. The weather forecast says we jare in for three feet of snow over the nest meek. Be a party toa secret shared by a small group of people Ey, He smiled a little to himself, as Talk about; mean, intend E.g Thad no iden what on earth you were on about when you started using those scientific terms. Figure out; to reclize the truth Eg, [roa planning it as a surprise, but 1 think he is on to me. be ras in on the plan. Do or be involved in doing Exg, 1 saw you hiding in the bushes yesterday. What were you up to? Be out for Seek or pursue, especially to determinedly pursue something to one’s oun benefit Eg. He’s out for all be can get. Be & = and support for someone, especially in a period of difficulty |E.g. She knows that 170 always be Agree with someone Exg. P’msorrys I’m not with you on Be with Understand someone's point or intention Eg. I came in here disagreeing, but [ve changed my mind, and now here a apie: I’m with you on thi Be too good, classy or mature to do something; to disdain Eg, 1 thought you said you were above these kinds of antics. PHRADAL VERB WITH "BE" Outrank Exg, General Smith is above Private Johnson. Arrive Eg. L expect Fobn will be along soon Be around Be alive, existent, or present Exg I'll be around for another hour orso. Be in for Be incarcerated for Exg, My cousin is in for armed robbery. Be near; to socialize with Eg, You've fun to be around, Be able to expect, generally said of something unpleasant E.g. The weather forecast says we jare in for three feet of snow over the nest meek. Be a party toa secret shared by a small group of people Ey, He smiled a little to himself, as Talk about; mean, intend E.g Thad no iden what on earth you were on about when you started using those scientific terms. Figure out; to reclize the truth Eg, [roa planning it as a surprise, but 1 think he is on to me. be ras in on the plan. Do or be involved in doing Exg, 1 saw you hiding in the bushes yesterday. What were you up to? Be out for Seek or pursue, especially to determinedly pursue something to one’s oun benefit Eg. He’s out for all be can get. Be & = and support for someone, especially in a period of difficulty |E.g. She knows that 170 always be Agree with someone Exg. P’msorrys I’m not with you on Be with Understand someone's point or intention Eg. I came in here disagreeing, but [ve changed my mind, and now here a apie: I’m with you on thi up to 3aTeBaTb, 3adyMbiBaTb up NpOcHyTBcAa through with 3aKOHYUMTb over 3aKOHUMTBCA with noggepsu- BaTb out ObiTb He Ha MecTe after against xXOTeTb 6pitb npotne away OTCYTCTBO- BaTb back Bo3BpalaTb CA for 6biTb3a in for OMMDaTb off on yeauaTb TpaHcanpo- BaTbtr EEReSot VERES WITH "BEAT" Meaning: Strike with great force E.g. It was a ghastly morning, with the rain beating down in sheets. Meaning: Haggle with someone to sell at a lower price Beat down eae E.g. | managed to beat him down to half his original asking price. Meaning: Waste time Eg. | beat off at work all day; | didn't get anything done. Meaning: Sound a rhythm on a percussion instrument Beat out such as a drum Eg. The drummer beat out a steady slow march. Meaning: Extinguish Eg. He managed to beat the flames out with a blanket. Meaning: Defeat by a narrow margin Beat out Eg. She beat out three other contenders to claim the prize. Meaning: Give a severe beating to, to assault violently Beat up hitting the victim repeatedly E.g.| got beaten up by thugs on my way home. Meaning: Feel badly guilty and accuse oneself over something Eg. Don't beat yourself up over such a minor mistake. ESL.COM Cause to go away by blowing, or by wind E.g. He blew away the dust which had collected on the book Knock over with an air current, most often wind Eg. I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down. Shirk or disregard E.g. | decided to blow off the meeting and leave early. Blow out Deflate quickly on being punctured E.g. The tire blew out on a corner. Blow over Blow on something causing it to topple E.g. The wind blew over the pole. Inflate or fill with air E.g. Let's blow up the balloons for the party. Disperse or to depart on currents of air Eg. I didn't have to rake. The leaves just blew away. Let steam escape through a passage provided for the purpose re pac pas Sage Pe E.g. The engine or steamer is blowing off. Extinguish something, especially a flame E.g. He blew out the match. Be driven out by the expansive force of a gas or vapour E.g. A steam cock or valve sometimes blows out. Easily overcome or go around a safeguard or Limit Eg. I've just blown past my calorie limit for the day. Become popular very quickly Eg. This album is about to blow up; they're being promoted on MIV. ESL COM PHRASAL VERBS WITH "BREAK' Break up Break away End a relationship Become separated, literally or figuratively Eg. She broke up with her boyfriend last week. E.g. A chunk of rock broke away from the cliff edge. Break out \ Break down 7 Fail, to cease to function E.g. lam afraid my computer will break. down if | try to run it at too high a speed. Escape, especially forcefully or defiantly E.g. They broke out of prison in the middle of the night. Break into ¢=— Break down Open or begin to use Decay, to decompose Eg. | finally broke into the second Eg, Leaves and grass will break down into package of cookies. \ compost faster if you keep them moist. Break in f Break down Enter a place by force or Br Ve Digest illicit means E.g. Someone broke in and stole his Neither gain nor lose money Eg. His stomach took a while to oh E.g. After an entire night playing poker, break down his food. he nearly broke even. Finies les confusions #41 Dee aa Desert signifie : "désert’, "déserter" ou "désert(ique)” We have to cross this arid desert. The inhabitants have deserted the town. A city in a desert area. Dessert signifie : "dessert", surtout en anglais américain. "pudding" est son équivalent britannique. TUM R Me (1 (elec EWAN GW [TL I) le ik MAM ameclay UT a Ae Capital / Capitol Capital signifie : "capitale" ou "majuscule" Paris is the capital of France. Write your name in capitals. Capitol signifie : "capitole’, qui fait référence au lieu de réunion du parlement ou de la municipalité aux Etats-Unis. | would like to visit all the halls of State Capitol. EWAN GW [TL I) le ik MAM mee Nias Lightening / Lightning Lightening est la forme -ing du verbe "to lighten" qui signifie : "éclairer, illuminer" ou “alléger, détendre" Jack is lightening the room by painting it white. Humour has a good way of lightening the atmosphere. Lightning signifie : "éclair, foudre" ou "fulgurant” What is the difference between lightning and thunder? An athlete with lightning-quick reflexes EWAN GW [TL I) le ik MAM mee nias Lay / Lie Lay (laid, laid) signifie : "poser", "mettre", "coucher’, "pondre’ ou, lorsque c'est un adjectif, “laique’, "profane" We are laying the foundation for additional research. This is a lay organisation. Lie (lay, lain) signifie : "étre allongé/couché" ou "mentir" (dans ce cas le verbe est régulier : lie, lied, lied) The keys lie on the desk. MINI INOOM I IEA EWAN GW [TL I) le ik MxM meee iaA Compliment / Complement Compliment signifie : “compliment” et "complimenter’ | find it difficult to accept compliments. She complimented my haircut. Complement signifie : "complément'’, "effectif" ou "compléter’. A tie is an indispensable complement to a businessman's outfit. The ship's complement is 1000 crew members. A good dessert complements a good dinner. EWAN GW [TL I) le ik & ws to do the vacuuming ¢@ to do time to do work to do your besy to do your duty to do your hair to do your nails to do your job to do your makeup to do 50 miles per hour to make amends *@ to make an appearance to make an appointment to make an attempt to make an enquiry to make an exception to make an excuse °= to make an offer 7 to make arrangements to make believe j to do housework fa za E to do homework to do nothing to do research to do something to do the accounts to do some reading to do some writing to do some studying to do some working to make a fire to make a fool of yourself to make a fortune to make a fuss tomakeahabit ite to make a move to make a phone call to make a point to make a presentation to make a profit Wr to do the accounts to do the cleaning 2 todo the the dishes to do the ironing to do the laundry to do the math to do the maximum to do the minimum to do the paperwork to do the shopping tomakeaprofit to make a promise to make a remark to make a reservation to make a sales call to make a sound to make a speech to make a suggestion to make a threat to make a visit Meaning: Summon; to cause to depart E.g. | was called away from the meeting to deal with a allay medical emergency. Meaning: Shout out in order to summon (a person) Eg. | leant out of the back door and called for Lucy. Meaning: Communicate with a base etc, by telephone Eg. | was too unwell to work yesterday so | called in sick. Meaning: Recall; to cancel or call a halt to Eg. If you want me to call off the dog, then get off my land. Meaning: Visit (a person); to pay a call to Meaning: Request, demand E.g.The government has called for an end to hostilities in the region. Call on Eg. | really should call on my aunt more often. Meaning: Have recourse to; to summon up E.g. Exhausted, he called on his last ounce of strength. Meaning: Challenge; denounce; point out; charge E.g. She called them out on their lies. Finies les confusions #16 Lose / Loose Lose est un verbe (irrégulier : lose, lost, lost) qui signifie : "égarer’, "perdre’. I've lost my wallet twice last year! ! cannot imagine losing you. We're always losing the game. Loose est un adjectift signifiant : "desserré’, "mal fixé", "ample", "en liberté’, "échappé’. He was wearing a loose brown jacket. We heard that six horses were loose on the road. The roof had loose or missing shingles. EWAN GW [TL I) le ik Finies les confusions #15 aw A It's est la contraction de "It is" = "c'est", "il est/fait". ll peut également étre la contraction de Lance or le I's a wonderful book! [t's so nice to be here with you. It's been a long trip back home. Its est la forme possessive de "It" et signifie donc: "son", "sa", "ses". Each language has its own specificities. Her company is losing its ability to impress. EWAN GW [TL I) le ik Finies les confusions #14 Angry / Hungry Angry signifie : "en colére’, "enervé’, "faché" ou méme "furieux’. Have you ever seen him so angry? | was so angry at myself for forgetting his name! Hungry signifie : "affamé’, "qui a faim", "avoir flan I'm so hungry! | haven't eaten in two days! EWAN GW [TL I) le ik Finies les confusions #13 Than / Then Than sert a établir des comparaisons. ll se traduit par "que". He is older than me/I am. Then est soit un adverbe de conséquence qui signifie "alors" ou de temps qui signifie "alors", "puis", "a ce moment la", etc. soit un adjectif signifiant "de I'époque". If you eat too much then you will become obese. ! entered the room (and) then he entered too. That dinner was hosted by the then President. EWAN GW [TL I) le ik Finies les confusions #12 Quite / Quiet Ta Quite signifie : "plutét’, "assez', "franchement" ou "complétement” I've been quite busy lately. a -McMOLUlineMe[ololo me] @S11016 11018 Quiet est verbe qui signifie "faire taire" ou un ay adjectif signifiant "calme’, "silencieux", "doux', "tranquille". Lorsqu'il est erp comme nom il veut dire "silence", "calme’, "tranquilité’. She spoke in a quiet voice. | live in a quiet little town. Be/Keep quiet! EWAN GW [TL I) le ik HOPE EVERYTHING WILL BEALL RIGHT = HAJEIOCb, BCE BYZET XOPOLUO | HOPE THINGS WILL TURN OUT FINE HAJEOCb, BCE NOMYYVITCA FINGERS CROSSED CKPECTUM NAJIbLIbI BREAK A LEG HU MIYXA, HU MEPA KNOCK THEM DEAD me CPA3V UX HANOBANI | HOPE IT WORKS OUT ¢ _ HAGEHOCb, 3TO CPABOTAET BEST OF LUCK e o BCETO HAUNIYYLWETO BLOW THEM AWAY NOKAXKV UM BCEM YOU'LL DO GREAT Y TEBA BCE NOMYUNTCA SMOOTH SAILING NONYTHOLO BETPA PURSUANT TO / AS PER AS SAID/STATED IN/BY AS REPORTED IN/BY IN AGREEMENT WITH / IN CONSONANCE WITH / IN LINE WITH IN KEEPING WITH CONSISTENT WITH MENTIONED BY CONFORMING TO ON THE WORD OF COrACHO KAK CKA3AHO/YKA3AHO B KAK COOBLUAETCA B B COOTBETCTBUM C CNEAYA COOTBETCTBYET YNOMAHYTbIA COOTBETCTBYHOLUEE HA OCHOBAHUN COB o CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR WEDDING! CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR GOLDEN / SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY! CONGRATULATIONS, ON YOUR ENGAGEMENT! WE'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO THE BIG DAY. WISH YOU A HAPPY MARRIED LIFE. BEST WISHES ON YOUR TENTH ANNIVERSARY! CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU BOTH AND MUCH HAPPINESS ON YOUR WEDDING DAY. MAY YOUR LOVE SHINE WARMLY FOREVER. CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU BOTH AND MAY YOU ALWAYS STAY AS HAPPY AND AS MUCH IN LOVE AS ON YOUR WEDDING DAY. EVERY GOOD WISH ON YOUR WEDDING DAY. WISHING YOU A WORLD OF HAPPINESS AND LOVE AS ALL YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE. CONGRATULATIONS ON THE BIRTH OF YOUR NEW SON. NO3APAB/IAEM CO CBAZb5OMN! NO3APAB/IAEM C 30NOTON / CEPEBPAHOU FOAOBLUIMHONM CBAAbBbI! NO3APAB/IAEM C OBPYYEHMEM! C HETEPNEHVIEM >KAEM BOJIbLUOTO COBbITUA. >KEJIAEM CYACT/IUBOM COBMECTHOU KVI3HI. BCETO HAW/IYULUETO B AECATYIO FOAOBLUIVHY! NO3APAB/IAEM BAC OBOUX Vi >KESAEM MHOTO. CYACTbA B AEHb BALUE CBAAbBbI. NYCTb BALUA JIKOBOBb COFPEBAET BAC BCHO KU3Hb. NO3APAB/IAEM BAC OBOUX Vi KESIAEM OCTABATbCA TAKUMI KE CHACT/IVBbIMU V\ BJILOBJIEHHbIMU, KAK B AEHb BALUEV CBA/IbBbI. HAWIYULUME NOKESIAHUVA B AEHb CBAAbBbI. >KEJIAEM BAM MUPA CUACTbA VM JIKOBB. MU UCNOHEHUA BCEX BALLUIVIX KEJIAHU. NO3APAB/IAEM C POKAEHVEM BALWETO CbIHA. ~ | WISH YOU SUCCESS/ HAPPINESS / < JOY / BEST OF EVERYTHING / GOOD HEALTH / LOVE WITH ALL MY HEART | WISH YOU... ON THE OCCASION OF... | WISH YOU... ON THIS JOYOUS DAY | WISH YOU... ACCEPT MY BEST / WARMEST / MOST HEARTFELT / HEARTIEST WISHES! ON BEHALF OF... AND MYSELF | CONGRATULATE YOU ON/UPON... MAY SUCCESS ATTEND YOU! KEEP WELL! STAY HEALTHY! MAY ALL YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE! IT'S TIME TO CELEBRATE! YOU DESERVE ALL THE LUCK IN THE WORLD! DKEJIAIO TEBE YAAUN / CUACTbA / PAAOCTN / BCETO HAWJIYULUETO / 3QO0POBbA / JIOBBU OT BCETO CEPALIA KEJIAIO TEBE... NO CAYUANO... KEJIAIO TEBE... B TOT PAZOCTHbIN AEHb >KEJIAIO TEBE... NPUMU MOU JIYYLUME / TEMJIBIE / CEPAEUHBIE / ACKPEHHUE NODKENAHMA! OT UMEHM... 1 CEBA NO3APAB/IAIO TEBA C... NYCTb YAAYA NPEC/IIEAYET TEBA BO BCEM! BYAb 340POB! NYCTb CBYAYTCA BCE TBOV MEUTbI! BPEMA MPA3AHOBATb! Tbl 3ACYKUBAELUb BCHO YAAYY, KOTOPAA ECTb B MUPE! 7 Sy HeiTpaibHoe COBO C LUAPOKMM CneKTPOM 3HaYeHNI; MO>KHO VICONb30BaTb MpaKTUYeCKA A xouy ecTb (NoTpeG6HOCTb). B nt060i/ cuTyaLINU, B SHAYEHUI «XOTETb, KENATH». N Ucnbitbigatb cubHoe KenaHue, KaK{aTb, M@UTATb, OU2Hb XOTETb; MOKHO yNOTpeGMATS On xoTen (MeuTan, CWIbHO xOTen) NONyUVTB C VHUHUTIBOM nv c Npeanorom for o6pazoBaHnve VU paboTatb 3a rpaHuuel. (desire to do smth / desire for smth). CTpacTHO XOTeTb MMETb UTO-TO, YTO BAM He NpUHagNexuT (MaTepvianbHble LeHHOCTM, Bce mon coceg XoTAT MaluNHy, Kak y MeHa. AOJKHOCTD). 1) KeslaTb, XOTETb; Ec BbI KenaeTe OCTaTbCA, MOXeTE STO CAeNaTb. 2) yka3aHna VW NpuKa3bl; Axouy, UTOGb! OTUET Obi FOTOB K NOHEARIbHNIKy. 3) UMeTb TaiHoe, CKpbITOe *KeNaHve, MeUTY; Bce KeHLUMHb! MeUTaIOT O NPUHLe. 4) Kalb, UTO...», Ona kaneer, UTO He Cormacunach Ha STy «Al GbI XOTEN, UTOGEI ...» AOWKHOCTb, CeMuac 6bI Cormacunac. (cokaneHne). | HATE | LOATHE | CAN'T STAND I'M NOT MUCH OF A FAN OF IT DRIVES ME CRAZY IT’S NOT MY CUP OF TEA I'M SICK OF IT'S NOT MY THING | PASS I'M TIRED OF THAT'S NOT FOR ME I'M NOT CRAZY ABOUT IT A HEHABUDKY A HEHABUDKY A TEPMETb HE MOrY A HE BOSIbLIOM PAHAT 3TO CBOAUT MEHA C YMA 3TO HE MOE wl C MEHA XBATUIT 3TO HE MOE A MAC AYCTAN 3TO HE AA MEHA A HE B BOCTOPTE ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¢ ¢ ¢ Connectors of Opinion I’m of the opinion that If you ask me To be honest Honestly | think My point of view is that The way | see it is As far as | know | feel that | would say that As far as I’m concerned If | am not mistaken | think ¥ As lsee it ¥ Well, if you ask me | believe ¥ I'd say that ¥ It seems obvious that | feel ¥ I'd suggest that ¥ The main points are In my opinion ¥ What | mean is ¥ The essential point is In my view ¥ 1 figure that ¥ lagree with It seems likely ¥ From my point of view ¥ Personally, | think It seems to me ¥ # ¥ ¢ ¥ ¥ English Study Here Key Words For WRITING @ Expressing Opinion In my opinion... In my view... It seems to me that... I feel... I realize... I imagine... It appears that... Se RRR RE ES @ Giving Example For example Such as As That is For instance Namely ee ROR, From my point of view... To my way of thinking... @Comparing Stas SKN SN Similar to In common Either... or Neither ... nor Just as AS ... aS Also In the same way At the same time e \Conttassiia v v v v However On the contrary Differ from, even though Although, though Otherwice. But @ Generalizing ¥ Zw A AAS English Study Here Generally, Overall In general, Basically I believe, As a rule By and large All things considered Essentially, On the whole It seems to me that Allin all Generally speaking @ Expressing Full Agrement ~AN AER Certainly Doubtless Definitely Undoubtedly No doubt Of course BRING Bring up Bring about Mention Accomplish, achieve E.g. Don't bring up politics if E.g. | hope to bring about a you want to have a quiet successful conclusion conversation with that guy Make a shy person 7 Bring along i AY Bring someone or more confident something to certain place. E.g. His new job has && sy noticeably brought him out. G 7 Essa! brought my uncle along to the party. Persuade or convince Bring forth Create, generate, bring into existence c& i wy, someone. E.g. He has the ability to va ng E.g. Sam was sure he could bring forth new ideas when bring them around to the they are needed. deal. Bring down Bring back Reduce Fetch something E.g. | brought back the groceries. E.g. The latest budget reforms are intended to bring down the level of inflation. INTO ) | THROUGH Npocmotpetp IN S3apeructpHpo- BaTbca (B oTene} Pasy3HaTb UP Nposeprts WITH Cnpocntp, MPOKOHCyIbTHpoO- BaTbCA ON Nposeputp, scé AM B nOpagKe OUT 1. Bolexatb ua oTena 2. OLWWEHHTb, B3IAHyTb OVER BACK Npopepatp, OCMaTPKBaTb Nonpo6osatp ewe pas BpiuepkHyTb M3 CNMCKa

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