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Name : Risma Dwi Anggraini

NPM : 201003959
Class : Math 2020A

My Activities During The Month Ramadhan

I woke up at around 03.00am to eat sahur. After sahur at around 04.15am, I went to
the bathroom to take ablution to perform the dawn prayer. After praying I read the
Quran for about 15 minutes. when the clock showed 5.30am I started to take a
broom to clean the house. After I finished cleaning the house, around 8.30am I
went to take a shower. after that I went to watch TV until 11.30pm. then I took a
shower again and took ablution to perform the dhuhur prayer. then after that I read
the Quran for about 15 minutes. After that I get ready to carry out the lecture. Class
starts at 01.00pm - 03.00pm. After the lecture was over, I immediately went to the
bathroom to take ablution to perform the Asr prayer. after prayer I read the Quran
for about 15 minutes. After that I went to watch television while waiting for the
Maghrib call to prayer to break my fast. after breaking the fast at around 06.15pm
I immediately went to the bathroom to take ablution to perform the maghrib prayer.
after prayer I read the Quranfor about 15 minutes. After that I went to watch
television while waiting for the call to prayer for Isyak. after the call to prayer had
sounded I immediately got ready for the Isyak prayer and the tarawih prayer. after
the tarawih prayer finished at around 07.30pm I went to carry out tadarus Al-Quran
until 09.15pm. after that I went home and I slept around 10.00pm.

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