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Planning a Book Trailer

1. Identify the audience for your book trailer. Who are you designing this for?

Learner Analysis:

a. Age/Gender: Students of both female and male with the ages of 7-8 years old
b. Cultural Background: Mixed culture backgrounds
c. Educational Level: 2nd grade
d. Special Needs/Accommodations: Co-taught/Inclusion classroom with the
accommodations of repetition and modeled examples for student
e. Specific Entry Skills: None

e. Motivation – Keller’s ARCS Model (Describe how you will integrate each component
into your book trailer to get your audience’s attention.)
· Attention – To gain student attention I will model to the whole class an example of someone
interrupting. I will pull a student to be my helper. This student will tell me and the whole class a
story as I begin to interrupt them while they are speaking.
· Relevance – To bring relevance to my example I will ask the student how he/she felt when I
was interrupting them as they were talking. I will then pose the question and survey the class to
raise their hand if you have ever been talking and had someone interrupt you.
· Confidence – In order to make students feel more confident I will provide them a strategy to
challenge them when they are hearing others speak and they feel the need to interrupt or say
something. This strategy is called “Catch a bubble”
· Satisfaction – In the classroom I will foster satisfaction by providing positive feedback and
reinforcement when I see students catching a bubble when teachers or students are sharing
and they do not interrupt. If there is a time a student is unsuccessful with the taught strategy, a
provided opportunity of reminding them “when someone is talking we catch a bubble and raise
our hand until they are done” will be provided.

2. Book Selection – The book you select needs to be an outstanding selection for
readers in the age group you have selected. The book you select should be age and
content appropriate for the audience you have identified above. Once you have selected
a book - place the title you have chosen next to the award you selected it from.

The book I have selected for my Book Trailer is:

Interrupting Chicken by David Ezra Stein
This book was awarded the Caldecott Honor Medal in 2011.
· Caldecott Medal Book Awards

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