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How To Make Chicken Burger

Name; Gabriella Dwi Gracia Sitepu

Class: XI MIPA 2


 burger bread,
 Chicken Patties,
 lettuce ,
 slice cheese,
 cucumber slices
 tomato slices,
 mayonnaise and sauce,
 oil or margarine

Tools: flat frying pan, frying pan, plate


1. First, fry the chicken patties in a frying pan with oil

2. Second, heat the margarine in top of flat frying pan. After that, bake the burger buns.
3. After the chicken patties and the burger buns are done, put them on another plate.
4. Fill the burger buns with patties, lettuce, slice cheese, cucumber slice and tomato slice with
pulled up position
5. add mayonnaise or sauce
6. Ready to served

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