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Master Assignment
Semester – 4
Course Code & Name: SECE2040
(Computer Organization)

1. What is difference between a direct and an indirect address instruction?How

many references to memory are needed for each type of instruction to bring an
operand into a processor register?
2. Consider the instruction format of the basic computer and the list of instructions.
For each of the following 16-bit instruction, give the equivalent four-digit
hexadecimal code and explain in your own words what it is that the instruction is
going to perform:
0001 0000 0010 0100
1011 0001 0010 0100
111 0 0010 0000
3. Show the contents of register E,A,Q and SC during the process of division of
a. 10100011 by 1011
b. 00001111 by 0011
Use a dividend of eight bits
4. Show the step-by-step multiplication process using Booth algorithm when the
followin binary numbers are multiplied. Assume 5-bit registers that hold signed
numbers. The multiplicand in both cases is +15
a. (+15) * (+13)
b. (+15) * (-13)
5. Convert the following numerical arithmetic expression into reverse polish
notation and show the stack operations for evaluating the numeric result.

(3 + 4)[10 ( 2 + 6) + 8]

6. What are the various types of memory in computer system? Explain the memory
hierarchy in a computer system with respect to storage, speed and cost?
7. Explain the connection of I/O bus to input-output device? What are the various
types of commands that are received by I/O interface for particular I/O device?
8. Differentiate the following:
a. Isolated vs. Memory-Mapped I/O
b. Synchronous Data Transfer vs. Asynchronous Data Transfer
c. Strobe vs. Handshaking
d. Source-initiated Strobe vs. Destination-initiated Strobe
e. Source-initiated Handshaking vs. Destination-initiated Handshaking
9. What is the advantage of DMA (Direct Memory Transfer)? Explain the following
terms with respect DMA transfer.
a. Bus Request
b. Bus Grant
c. Burst Transfer
d. Cycle- Stealing

10. What are the various types of Data Transfer? Explain in brief.

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