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The Operating System is the most important to our computers. This is managing our computer’s
memory and processes. If don’t have operating system to your computer it will be useless. This
is the history of Operating System.

Serial Processing – Is a computer from late 1940 to mid-1950. Which where the programmer is
directly interacting to the computer. It also called as “bare machine” because, they don’t have
an OS. It Uses punch cards, paper tapes and language translator. This system have a
disadvantage because it took some time to set up. If the users encounter problems they had to
set up again that can cause wasting of time.

Batch System (mid 1960s - late 1970s) – The computers before was very expensive, therefore it
was important to maximize processor utilization. In Serial Processing there are so many wasted
time, and because of that the Batch System was developed to improve the utilization. Batch is
defined as a group of jobs with similar needs. This Operating System allowing the users to form
a batch. Computers executes each batch sequentially. It is called batch processing because the
computer processing all jobs in single process.

Multi-programmed Systems -- This is developing during 1960 up until now. Multi-programming

helps to increase CPU utilization by organizing jobs. It can be run multiple program at the same
time because, of the high memory of a machine specifically computers. The monitor is growing
to the point where it begins to resemble a modern operating system. It is responsible for
starting user jobs, spooling operations, IO for user jobs, switching between user jobs, and
ensuring protection while doing all jobs.

Time Sharing Systems (1970s - present) – This is the extension Multi-Programmed System but
this system is more complex because, In this system there are many user interacting to the
system in same time and, the switching of CPU between two users is so fast that it gives the
impression to user that he is only working on the system but actually it is shared among
different users. It also must to provide mechanism for jobs synchronization and

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