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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Business administration

In the session 2021-22

Supervised by Submitted by

Dr. Japneet kaur Stanzin Padma

PU PIN:18119001041

College R.NO:4529




I hereby declare that the Training Report was submitted by me under the supervision and

guidance of Ms. Anjali Bhati, project guide, IFORTIS WORLDWIDE Pvt Ltd in

partial Fulfillment of BBA-6th semester. I further declare that I am solely responsible for

omission and commission of errors if any.

Stanzin Padma

Amongst the wide panorama of people who provided me the inspiration, guidance and

encouragement, I take this opportunity to thank those who gave me indebted assistance and

constant encouragement for completing this project.

I would like to thank, Ms. Anjali Bhati, marketing Trainer of IFORTIS WORLDWIDE Pvt.

Ltd., for her continuous help in completion of this project. She motivated me and was

available whenever her assistance was sought. She was actively involved throughout the

project and was also kind enough to tell me the strengths and weaknesses and how I could

improve myself to face the corporate world. Without her support the completion of this

project would be impossible. I would like to extend my thanks to all the employees/staff of

the IFORTIS WORLDWIDE Pvt. Ltd., for their support.

Thanking you All

Stanzin Padma


IFortis Corporate has grown into one of India's leading Corporate. In its
infancy, IFortis was in the business of IT Services & Marketing Services. As
time evolved, dependence on the technology began to hinder IFortis's ability to
guarantee competitive pricing and provide innovative services. IFortis also
noticed the lack of communication that had become an industry standard. As a
result, a strategic decision was made to set up its own headquarters in India in
order to better satisfy the needs of IFortis's customers. Based upon demographic
and geographic research, IFortis chose India, as the location to begin it's
facility. As time went on, IFortis's principals of transparency, timely
communication, quality of services and competitive pricing allowed for
significant expansion. As a result, IFortis is now one of India's leading

The primary objective of the research study was “how Sales Funnel works in
virtual World”? on employees performance in the example of Ifortis
Worldwide Pvt.Ltd. In this, we had to fixed our target and reached the fixed

Due to the complex and changing business environment customers are

becoming more and more demanding and less loyal to their current brands.
Existing research has shown that IT/IS play a crucial role throughout the
execution of the CRM activities. However, the mere existence of an IS in a
company is not enough. The ability and willingness of companies to use these
IS in a sufficient manner plays a key role in the success and failure of CRM














What is a Sales Funnel?

- The sales funnel (also known as a revenue funnel or sales process) refers to the buying
process that companies lead customers through when purchasing products. The definition
also refers to the process through which a company finds, qualifies, and sells its products to

The typical sales funnel is divided into multiple steps, which differ depending on the
particular sales model. One of the most common ways of dividing a sales funnel possesses
seven phases including:

• Awareness Phase – in which prospects become aware of the existence of a solution.

• Interest Phase – in which prospects demonstrate interest in a product by conducting

product research.

• Evaluation Phase – in which prospects or prospect companies examine competitors’

solutions as they inch toward a final buying decision.

• Decision Phase – In which a final decision is reached and negotiation begins.

• Purchase Phase – in which goods or services are purchased.

• Reevaluation Phase – in B2B sales it’s common for offerings to involve contracts that
need to be renewed. As a customer becomes familiar with an offering, and especially as a
contract draws to a close, a customer will enter a reevaluation phase during which they’ll
decide whether or not to renew their contract.

• Repurchase Phase – in which a customer repurchases a product or service.

● Processes and stages involved in making a sale.

- The following steps provide a good outline for what you should be doing to find potential
customers, close the sale, and retain your clients for repeat business and referrals in the

1. Prospecting

The first of the seven steps in the sales process is prospecting. In this stage, you find potential
customers and determine whether they have a need for your product or service—and whether
they can afford what you offer. Evaluating whether the customers need your product or
service and can afford it is known as qualifying.

2. Preparation

The second stage has you in preparation for initial contact with a potential customer,
researching the market and collecting all relevant information regarding your product or
service. At this point, you develop your sales presentation and tailor it to your potential
client’s particular needs.

3. Approach

In the approach stage, you make first contact with your client. Sometimes this is a face-to-
face meeting, sometimes it’s over the phone.

4. Presentation

In the presentation phase, you actively demonstrate how your product or service meets the
needs of your potential customer. The word presentation implies using PowerPoint and
giving a salesy spiel, but it doesn’t always have to be that way—you should actively listen to
your customer’s needs and then act and react accordingly.

5. Handling objections

Perhaps the most underrated of the seven steps of a sales process is handling objections. This
is where you listen to your prospect’s concerns and address them. It’s also where many
unsuccessful salespeople drop out of the process—44% of salespeople abandoning pursuit

after one rejection, 22% after two rejections, 14% after three, and 12% after four, even
though 80% of sales require at least five follow-ups to convert. Successfully handling
objections and alleviating concerns separates good salespeople from bad and great from

6. Closing

In the closing stage, you get the decision from the client to move forward.

7. Follow-up

Once you have closed the sale, your job is not done. The follow-up stage keeps you in
contact with customers you have closed, not only for potential repeat business but for
referrals as well. And since retaining current customers is six to seven times less costly than
acquiring new ones, maintaining relationships is key.

Customer Retention — Important Part of Sales Funnel

When you have your customer on board with your company, it is important that you do
everything to retain them. This stage requires you to focus on keeping customers happy in
order to convert them into repeat customers and brand advocates. Word of mouth is a
powerful force, and no one can do it better than a happy customer.

To keep customers happy, you need to help your customers with all aspects and problems
related to their pain points. Basically, you want them to stay engaged with your
product/service. You can do that by sharing content such as:

 Email
 Special Offers
 Surveys/Outreach and follow-ups
 Product usage guides
 Customer Feedback Forms
 Technical assistance literature

Examples of a Sales Funnel
Let’s take a sales funnel example that you own an online book shop. You know that
your target audience is mostly on Facebook; they are mostly males and females
between the ages of 20 to 50.

You build a landing page with a form for prospects to sign up with their emails in
exchange for a lead magnet. In this case, the lead magnet is the first ten pages of a
new novel that’s just launched.

You run an ad on your Facebook page that drives traffic to your landing page.
Prospects add their email addresses and download the lead magnet. Now you have
leads instead of prospects. They are moving through the funnel.

What you will do now is nurture the leads. You can send out educational content
related to books, or share the new books that will be coming soon to your book shop,
or DIY tips to build a bookshelf. All these email drips will be focused on educating
your audience.

At the end of this drip campaign, you offer a 10% discount coupon on the first order
to your entire list. Now you are selling your books like crazy, and your prospects are
converting into customers.

You continue sending educational content to your email list. Give them ideas for
bookshelves, how to take care of their books, or suggest different books as gifts. With
this content, you are asking them to come back for more.

There you have it — a perfect sales funnel, leading prospects through the funnel and
converting them into paying customers.

To summarize, this sales funnel has four stages as follows:

 Awareness: You created a Facebook ad to lead people to your landing page.
 Interest: You offer something of value in exchange for lead capture (email
 Decision: Your content educates your audience and prepares them for a
 Action: You offer a coupon your leads can’t resist, then begin marketing to
them again to boost retention

● Difference between Marketing Funnel and Sales Funnel.

- Marketing is an integral business function that enables brands to increase visibility and gain
a competitive edge over the competitors. As such, a marketing funnel is a system that guides
potential customers through the entire journey; from the first time they interact with a brand,
all the way to the point where they develop the urge to buy a product or service.

A marketing funnel helps prospects get to know a brand. It is also renowned for enabling
businesses to visualize their buyer’s journey and come up with a sales support marketing
strategy in a well-regulated system. The marketing funnel can be divided into two sections:

Lead generation: This involves the creation of marketing campaigns to build brand
awareness. Things such as trade shows, inbound marketing, content marketing, viral
campaigns, online ads, direct email, whitepaper, and more, are used to sell the brand.

Lead nurturing: Once a prospect develops the interest in the brand, the next step is to nurture
the lead. This is where a business strives to build a thriving relationship with the prospect.
The prospect is introduced to the product or service with tailored content to help them
consider making a purchase.

The marketing funnel usually focuses on presenting a brand to diverse audiences. Its goal is
to capture prospects who can easily transition into buyers. When such prospects are
identified, and they develop an interest in the product or service, they enter the sales funnel.
At this point, the prospect becomes a sales prospect.

The sales funnel can be defined as the system that guides a sales prospect from the takeover
stage (marketing) to conversion. The funnel is at the narrowest end of the cone-shaped
marketing funnel.

● If you are facing any objection from your leads and how are you going to

overcome them in order to convert them to a valuable customer of our


- There are almost always ways to address your prospect’s concerns if you approach the
objection in the right way.

On the flipside, certain objections can act as an effective lead qualification tool for your sales
team. They allow you to weed out the low-value leads early and can help to build trust in
hard to close prospects.

4-Step Approach to Overcome Sales Objections

1. Listen

2. Understand

3. Respond

4. Confirm

● Sales Funnel with a real time example or a case study on Aarambh 3.0 by IIFORTIS

- IIFORTIS Worldwide uses Aarambh 3.0 used sales funnel to build 7-figure web assets..

These 5-step sales funnel include:

Lead Magnet:

Prospects love swipe documents since it makes their activity simpler.

With regards to email marketing, for instance, a swipe document is basically a document that
contains every one of the emails composed, how many times they were sent, and for all
intents and purposes to increase open and click-through rates. This has led to 28,507 leads
been generated in 45 days.


You may not be comfortable with “tripwire” previously, however that term is regular with
conversion rate specialists.

Tripwire is just the way toward fragmenting your leads into groups, and offering low-priced
items and upselling clients who buy the low-priced item into one of your primary items or
high-ticket offers.

Core offer:

After the tripwire offer, Digital Marketer will start the procedure of relationship marketing.
The core offer is typically what Digital Marketer does, it is where most of its incomes are

Profit Maximizes:

This is the place the Digital Marketer’s Certification courses fall into. It’s is in the funnel to
help them maximize profit.

Thank you page:

A thank you page is set up to appreciate prospects and further inform them. It is important to
include a thank you page in every sales funnel.

Importance of a sales funnel

The sales funnel shows the path your customers will take on the way to purchasing your
product or service. Analyzing your sales funnel will help you understand how it works and
where it does not. It will also help you identify the holes in the different stages of your sales
funnel (i.e., where prospects drop out and do not convert into customers).

Understanding your sales funnel will help you influence how prospects move through it and
whether they convert into buying customers. It will also provide insight into what customers
are thinking and doing at each stage of the sales funnel so you can invest in marketing
activities that attract more prospects, develop more relevant messaging at each stage of the
sales funnel, and convert more prospects into paying customers.

How to build a sales funnel

Creating a sales funnel is essential for moving prospects from initial contact to the final sale.
You can then track the level of behavior and engagement at each stage to see where the
prospect is in the sales funnel and determine how well it is working.

There are many ways to create a sales funnel, and different businesses and industries have
their own types of sales funnels. Follow these steps to create a sales funnel for your business:

1. Create a landing page.

The landing page is often the first opportunity for a prospect to learn about your business and
its products and services. Users will arrive at your landing page in different ways; they might
click an ad or link on a social media page, download an e-book, or sign up for a webinar.

Your landing page should clearly describe your company and the unique benefits of your
product or service. The landing page might be your only opportunity to impress prospects, so
the copy should be strong and compelling. It should also include a way to capture the
prospect's contact information so you can continue to communicate your value to them

2. Offer something valuable.

For a prospect to provide their email address, you must give them something in return. For
example, you might offer a free e-book or whitepaper with useful and informative content.

3. Nurture the prospect.

Now that the prospect has shown enough interest to provide their email address, nurture the
prospect with content that educates them about your product or service. You'll want to stay in
touch with them regularly (once or twice a week) but not so frequently that they get bored or
turned off by all the content. Make sure the content addresses their key needs and overcomes
any potential objections.

4. Close the deal.

Make your best offer – one that is difficult for the prospect to ignore or turn down – to close
the deal. For example, you could provide a product demonstration, a free trial, or a special
discount code.

5. Keep the process going.

At this point in the sales funnel, the prospect has either become a customer or decided not to
make the purchase. In either case, you should continue the communication and relationship-
building process.

If the prospect becomes a customer, continue to build the relationship by educating them
about your products or services, engaging them regularly to build loyalty, and offering them
great service to retain them as valued customers. If the prospect does not make a purchase,
stay in touch with them through regular emails. Continue to work on converting them into
customers by using different email nurturing series.

6. Optimize your sales funnel.

Even though you've created a sales funnel, your work is never done. You should continually
look for ways to improve and optimize your sales funnel, and determine where you are losing
prospects. Focus on the areas where prospects move from one stage of the sales funnel to the

Begin at the top of the funnel. Evaluate how well each piece of content is doing. Are you
capturing enough prospects with your initial content? The goal of your content is to get
prospects to click the call to action (CTA). If they are not doing that, or one piece of content
is getting fewer clicks on the CTA, then rework that element or try something new.

Evaluate your landing page. Your offer and CTA should mirror the content (e.g., blog post,
Facebook ad) that brought the prospect to your landing page. Are prospects trusting you with
their contact information? Test every part of your landing page (e.g., headline, images, body
copy, CTA) to find out what is working and what is not.

Test every offer in the action stage of your sales funnel. Compare the results of different
offers (e.g., free shipping versus discounts). How many purchases are you getting with your

email nurturing campaigns and other marketing efforts? If one offer gets much better results
than another, focus on using that offer to close prospects and see if you can improve upon it.

Track your customer retention rates. Determine how often customers return to purchase your
products or services. Do customers come back more than once, and are they buying other
products or services? Keep track of how often they refer others to your company.

Key takeaway: To generate sales funnel leads, create a landing page and use digital content
to drive users to your website. Then, capture their contact information to continually market
to them throughout their buying journey.

Measuring the Success of a Sales Funnel

Your sales funnel might need tweaks as your business grows, you learn more about your
customers, and you diversify your products and services. That’s okay.

A great way to measure the success of your sales funnel is to track your conversion rates.

How many people, for instance, sign up for your email list after clicking through on a
Facebook Ad?

Pay careful attention to each stage of the sales funnel:

 Are your capturing the attention of enough consumers with your initial content?
 Do your prospects trust you enough to give you their contact information?
 Have you secured purchases from your email drip campaign and other marketing
 Do existing customers come back and buy from you again?
 Knowing the answers to these questions will tell you where you need to tweak your
sales funnel.

Why You Need to Optimize Your Sales Funnel

Here’s the truth: Your prospective customers have lots of options. You want them to choose
your products or services, but you can’t force it. Instead, you have to market efficiently.

Without a tight, optimized sales funnel, you’re just guessing about what your prospects want.
If you’re wrong, you lose the sale.

Use Crazy Egg Recordings to watch how people engage with your site during a session.
Where do they click? Does anything seem to confuse them? Are they focusing their attention
where you want?

This is particularly important for those landing pages we talked about. If they’re not
optimized for conversions, most people will just click away.

How to Optimize Your Sales Funnel

You can optimize your sales funnel in myriad ways. The most important places to put your
focus are on the areas when consumers move to the next point in the funnel.

We talked about Facebook Ads. Don’t run just one ad. Run 10 or 20. They might be very
similar, but direct them to different buyer personas and use Facebook’s targeting features to
make sure those ads appear in front of your target audience.

A/B test your landing pages. It takes time, but you’ll reach more people and convert
prospects more reliably.

You can also A/B test your email campaigns. Change up your language, imagery, offers, and
layouts to figure out what your audience responds to.

The best way to optimize your sales funnel, though, is to pay attention to the results.

Start with the top of the funnel. You’re creating content, whether paid or organic, to get
eyeballs on your brand and to encourage people to click on your CTA. If one piece of content
doesn’t work, try something else.

Move on to your landing page. Make sure the offer and CTA mimic the content in your blog
post or Facebook Ad, or whatever other asset you used to drive traffic there. Test your
headline, body copy, images, and CTA to find out what works best.

When you ask people in the Action stage to buy from you, A/B test your offer. Does free
shipping work better than a 5 percent discount? These little things can make a huge
difference in your revenue.

And finally, track your customer retention rate. Do people come back and buy from you a
second, fifth, and twentieth time? Do they refer their friends?

Your goal is to keep your brand top-of-mind. If you never disappoint your audience, they
won’t have a reason to look elsewhere.

Customer Retention Rate

Track your customer retention rate. Do people come back and buy from you a second, fourth,
and fifteenth time? Do they refer their friends? Are they talking about their brand in a
positive manner?

The goal of your entire sales funnel is to keep your brand on top of the mind of your
customers. If you don’t disappoint your customers at any stage of the funnel, they won’t find
any reason to look elsewhere for their problems.

Principles of Persuasion for Effective Sales Funnel

Dr. Robert Cialdini, a marketing and psychology professor, introduced 6 principles of

persuasion in his 1984 book Influence. These are:

 Reciprocity
 Consistency
 Social Proof
 Liking
 Authority
 Scarcity

Here is how they work, according to psychologist Dr. Kendrick:

In brief, we are inclined to go along with someone’s suggestion if we think that person is a
credible expert (authority), if we regard him or her as a trusted friend (liking), if we feel we
owe them one (reciprocity), or if doing so will be consistent with our beliefs or prior
commitments (consistency). We are also inclined to make choices that we think are popular
(consensus [social proof]), and that will net us a scarce commodity (scarcity).

You can use the tools and strategies mentioned in this article to further push prospects along
each stage of your sales funnel. For example:

You can create awareness by giving out freebies (guides, checklists, pdfs) using the principle
of reciprocity and consistency. Regularly blogging or posting on social media shows
consistency and also establishes your presence (awareness).

You can capture interest using principles of liking and scarcity. People will be more
interested in what you have to say if they either like you or if they believe you are offering a
limited commodity.

You can guide prospects in the decision stage if they believe you have authority in your
domain and so will be more likely to listen to you. You can build authority using case
studies, webinars, and tutorials.

You have a higher chance of closing a sale in the action stage if you use the principle of
social proof. You can give social proof by showcasing reviews, recommendations,
testimonials, and favorable PR.

Benefits of Creating a Sales Funnel

A properly built sales funnel provides huge benefits to your business by leading your
prospects through the funnel effectively. Let us have a look at some of the benefits of a sales

 The right message at the right time

With a proper sales funnel in place, including a map of prospect’s questions and the details
they need, you can deliver the right information and an aligned message to your prospects
every single time — and save your future customer from any frustrations.

 Alignment between marketing and sales

Your prospect can get in touch with you at any moment of their customer journey, whether
it’s early research or late decision stage. So it’s important to align your marketing and sales
efforts so that they receive the information they need even when you don’t have the ability to
deliver it directly as a sales person. With a proper sales funnel in place, you can deliver the
proper offer to your prospects outside of your sales conversations.

 Saves time and efforts

Having a solid funnel in place will allow you to dismiss bad leads early and increase your
efforts with highly qualified ones — ultimately resulting in more sales and better customers.


Creating and optimizing a sales funnel takes time. It’s hard work. But it’s the only way to
survive in a competitive marketplace.

Believe it or not, a detail as small as font choice can impact conversions. And if you ask
people to buy from you too quickly, you’ll chase them away.

Take time to build out a sales funnel that represents what you want and what your audience
wants. Cultivate it over time, adjust your approach to various sales funnel stages, and find out
why your efforts aren’t working.

Your work is not done when you create your sales funnel. In fact, this is where it all begins.

It's important to measure your results once everything is set up. Choose your KPIs first, then
set up a measurement program. Take time to build out a sales funnel that represents what you
want and what your audience wants.

Optimize it over time, adjust your approach to various sales funnel stages, and find out why
your efforts aren’t working.

Gather data around, analyze, and improve your funnel if you want to get better results. Figure
out where your strengths and weaknesses lie. Such questions will help you figure out where
you need to work on your sales funnel. And then focus your resources there.

A good flow of people right from the top all the way to the action stage will ensure you have
a healthy business.


IFortis Worldwide has grown into one of India’s leading Corporate. In its infancy, IFortis
was in the business of IT Services & Marketing Services. As time evolved, dependence on
the technology began to hinder IFortis’s ability to guarantee competitive pricing and provide
innovative services. IFortis also noticed the lack of communication that had become an
industry standard. As a result, a strategic decision was made to set up its own headquarters in
India in order to better satisfy the needs of IFortis’s customers. At IFortis Worldwide, I had
completed my internship as a Corporate Ambassador for the purpose of enlarge my
knowledge in marketing field.

At first, I wondered why marketing was a necessary component during product

development, or a sales pitch, or retail distribution. But it makes sense when you think about
it --marketers have the firmest finger on the pulse of your consumer persona.

In marketing, as in life, simple questions don’t always have simple answers. Since the dawn
of marketing, brands have spent considerable time and resources to understand what
drives consumers to purchase their products. Modern academic research in consumer
behavior and decision theory dates back to the 1950s and 60s and led to real breakthroughs
early on, but there was no scanner data at the time to put many of those theories to
the test. Even when consumer purchase data came to life in the 1970s and 80s, brands had
no way to tie that data to consumers at scale and use it to target them one-to-one. Mass-
market channels like TV and radio dominated the media landscape. Big data and addressable
channels changed everything.

For the first time, marketers could pinpoint what particular consumers they wanted to reach,
up to the individual. But they quickly wrestled with a deceivingly simple question: Is it more
productive to acquire new customers, or to get more out of loyal customers? The answer is

In this report, we’re taking a novel approach based on propensity analysis, and focusing on a
receptive new target audience: the movable middles. Our work doesn’t rely on massive

surveys or harvesting of social data, but rather on combining well-established
probability models for customer-base and ad-response analysis with best-in-class audience
segmentation. We found that marketing plans organized around the movable middles
yield better results than standard plans optimized for reach:

•More than 50% lift in return on ad spend (ROAS)

•Better market penetration across all buyer types To understand how we defined and
identified movable middles and achieved this level of campaign performance, let’s first go
over some important market and methodological background.


Rohit Naidu, the CEO of IFortis Worldwide, the largest women-led organization in
India, and a self-made entrepreneur, is set on expanding his company and fulfilling his social
responsibility, especially towards women, through his continuous and strenuous efforts. He
has been vividly promoting the idea of self-reliance among women through his bold
yet thoughtful women program initiative. The self-made young entrepreneur is an optimistic
soul and a zealous confidence cultivator for all students and women worldwide. With 98%
women joining his grand expedition and 124+ global clients, his company, as well as his
intellectual initiatives, are set to leave their mark globally. Naidu plans on cultivating eco-
friendly management and youthful ventures to fulfil his responsibility towards society.
IFortis Worldwide, a subsidiary of American Ruler Private Limited, is a well-
established, Tirunel veli-based company which provides top-notch HR Consultancy,
Information Technology, and Marketing services to clients across the globe. One such
brilliant initiative by him is the IFortis Worldwide HR Traineeship program. The exclusive
women’s program targets ambitious and career-driven women across the globe. The
program helps self-reliant women get hands-on experience in recruiting cycle, man-
management, and employee relations. It gives them a golden opportunity to represent
themselves as the women ambassadors of IFortis Worldwide. Many women have
achieved their dream life in IFortis Worldwide through their company’s many
programs like HR Traineeship program. They have successfully broken through the
age-old chains of confinement. They have paved the way for equally recognized and
fortunate corporate lives just as their male counterparts. The initiative has given strong and
determined women a stirring level of leadership.



➢IFORTIS respect the dignity and diversity of individuals.

➢IFORTIS compete fairly in accordance to law and business ethics.

➢IFORTIS make customer satisfaction our top priority.

➢IFORTIS make efforts for the improvement of the ‘quality of life’ of our employees.

➢IFORTIS pursue eco-friendly management.

➢IFORTIS build relationships of co-existence and co-prosperity with business partners


To be a global firm of uniquely skilled executives who can build a better future.




❖IT Services



➢The 3rd edition of the AARAMBH 3.0 AND ARISE “India’s Largest Virtual Youth and
Students Festival” held by IFORTIS WORLDWIDE on 28th and 29th August 2021.

➢ABHIMAAN Grand Finale took place on December, 2 2021- December 3, 2021


They employ best practice processes and development methodologies as a foundation for
rapid building of cutting-edge technology solutions in a structured and methodical way.

1.PLANNING:Theycollect all the relevant information from the customer to develop

custom software development solutions as per their expectation.

2.DESIGNING: The system and documents are prepared as per the requirement
specifications. This helps us define overall system architecture and technology stack.

3.DEFINING: Once the requirement analysis phase is completed, the next step is to
define and document software needs.

4.BUILDING: Developers start to build the entire system by writing code using the
chosen programming language, techniques, and methodologies.

5.TESTING: Evaluating the quality of software with the aim of finding and fixing

6. DEPLOYMENT: The final software is released and checked for deployment issues, if

7. MAINTENANCE: According to the service level agreement, Theyensure that needs

continue to be met and that the system continues to perform as per the specification
mentioned in the first phase.


IFORTIS WORLDWIDE has grown into an international contestant in software

engineering with wide-ranging expertise in all the areas needed for reliable software

➢OUR VALUES-Attitude is as important as the skills that our employees also bring to their
roles. To be successful and effective in growing our people, They also strive to live our

➢INTEGRITY-In our dealings with colleagues, clients, suppliers, contractors , and the
general public –They are trustworthy and act with transparency; They are honest and allow
people to question or challenge without fear; They are professional by becoming experts in
our fields.

➢CARE-They are supportive and respect colleagues and customers alike; treating
others as They would like to be treated; They pay attention to detail and take pride in our
work and workplace; They aim for quality and excellence in what They do.

➢OPENNESS-They are open to learning and taking on new processes. They are open to
change and They are open to others’ views; being committed to developing and sharing
knowledge and experience; They are team players.


With IFORTIS WORLDWIDE, strategies and build nifty technology and develop a
market that supports modernized processes for businesses as well as produce new mediums
that help in generating fast revenues for start-ups or established businesses alike.

A steadfast and proven software process coupled with a certain methodology can be
your company’s key to success. With a head-strong team of self-reliant women, IFORTIS
WORLDWIDE delivers IT projects to businesses and technical solutions along with intuitive
services in HR consultancy that improve business efficiency.

A steadfast and proven software process coupled with a certain methodology can be
your company’s key to success. With a head-strong team of self-reliant women, IFORTIS
WORLDWIDE delivers IT projects to businesses and technical solutions along with intuitive
services in HR consultancy that improve business efficiency.


• The way IT departments should build their custom web applications has changed for

• Adopting an agile approach of development and using it effectively is the key for a
firm to meet the expectations of gaining business value through a technology fast
enough and our team provides you with exactly that.

• In a new world of technology, you don't have to limit yourself to a local market and
fight for developers with tech giants.

• You can acquire emerging skills and technologies on demand rightly with us.


• They help you in achieving your customer engagement objectives by implementing

the right CRM and ERP solution and welcome wonders of engagement as this
changes the way the firm interacts with the customers. Moreover, this system does not
require a new license for each new user.

• CRM or the Customer Relationship Management system is a means of managing your

company’s relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers.

• ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning system helps in managing the diurnal

activities of a business such as finance and operations, project management and often
incorporates a CRM system.

• A CRM for smaller companies allows equal access to everyone in a firm to

the exactly same information about the customers, permitting less duplication, more
productivity and fewer mistakes. Valuable consumer data won’t be lost as the staff practices
a dedicated system on which to enter it.

• Whereas, in CRM for larger companies creating modified, meaningful experiences

for customers off the back of insights and data collection is preached. The ability to
determine ROI from marketing activities is and better attribution is derived through the
CRM. Easy identification of sales numbers, actual awareness of the sales pipeline,
significant information about customer accounts before visits are also resulted out of it.

• This confirms a system that encourages departments to work together along with the
client instead of being departmentalized by the data.


• To ensure continual growth of the business without impediments and maintain

a competitive edge, it is necessary to have the right tools. Many businesses rely on software
to perform their daily operations.

• A customer portal is a private online channel using which a firm provides support to
its customers and updates them. It withholds the ability to securely exchange
information, including financial information, there is no file size limitation, it provides
self-service access to a private repository along with the ability to upload and manage larger
files, with version control functions it acts as a structured folder system.

• Often, this software is of the corporate variety, implying that a firm and countless
other business are using the same standard programs to do business. Customer Portal
Service is developed to meet unique needs & requirements, it can be easily modified &
expanded, its custom features & functionality make it unique to only your company.


• In order to adapt the processes, or work in a different way to respond to the gaps in
existing software systems, shift to a new bespoke operational system. It is required because
all businesses change, whether it is due to growth, restructuring or responding to market
trends and it is crucial to keep up with those changes.

• An operational system is nervous system of the corporate. From the staff,

customers, suppliers to the other partners, they should be able to self-serve and gain access to
the system while interacting only with the data pertinent to them. Today, the systems that
serve some of these areas, or might require manual interaction, taking time and effort,
its ultimate cost could be saved through an automated solution.

• There is a numerous reason why one should consider the Operational System
mainly, excel spreadsheets and Access databases or fragmented systems are no met with

longer business needs. An existing legacy system is unlikely and may use outdated
technology that doesn’t interface with other systems, is difficult to maintain, or the
workflow no longer compliments business processes, Operational System is the ultimate

• A company merger or acquisition results in the use of different systems. Whereas,

manual workflows are cause of error or resources that are no longer sustainable as an
organization grows. Repetition in work of departments in different systems or ledgers are
found, which is why a bespoke operational system that best suits the needs of a firm is
ideally considered according to the firm and its requirements.


• Good investment for a business because they offer all of the features you need to be
more productive without devoting valuable resources and screen space to those that will be
never use. They are able to develop all of the solutions you need within our custom audit
software that can be used throughout from the initial planning stages to implementations.

• A need for software that interfaces with a single hardware device or multiple
devices, is fulfilled right here. They create mobile, tablet, web or desktop-based
applications that are connected to either a cloud based or local database.

• To ensure complete usage, a system needs a front-end that’s completely user-

friendly. That’s why They include elements such as: a custom user interface (UI) dashboard
that can either be predetermined or customizable for each user. Hence, it’s easy and quick for
you and other users to visualize and understand the data retrieved from your hardware

• The ability to store large amounts of data and secure them, or numerous tests
indefinitely, enabling data manipulation

• Rapid and simple reporting that can be emailed or printed and also generate as many
reports as needed for using a variety of filters. Automatic email alerts that are
prompted when readings go outside of certain parameter.


1. Quality Management System :

The world’s best recognized quality standard –ISO9001–was revised in

September2015to ensure it remains recognized as global best practice for organizations
looking to implement a Quality Management System. To demonstrate this commitment,
They sought the independent certification to this standard. This covers the installation,
repair and maintenance of office equipment and the design of internal and external training

2. Environmental Management System :

ISO14001:2015 is an internationally accepted standard. It sets out a framework of

essential elements for putting an effective Environmental Management System in
place. IFORTIS WORLDWIDE has successfully received ISO14001certification. This
award recognises our comprehensive environmental management system and strategy.
We are committed to operating in the best interests of the environment.

3. Information Security Management System :

IFORTIS WORLDWIDE has also achieved ISO27001:2013certification, which for the

customer means our key focus is on continuous management of the security of company
information, as per the Information Security Management System (ISMS).

4. Learning Services Outside Formal Education :

IFORTIS WORLDWIDE has also achieved ISO29993:2017certification, which specifies

requirements for learning services outside formal education, including all types of life-long
learning (e.g. vocational training and in-company training, either outsourced or in-house).
Beyond the formal national education system, today’s information economy needs
complex training and learning facilities. The new standard aims not only to help
suppliers develop their quality, but also to provide the international market with recognition
and reputation.


They has many different departments for provides their products & services. Apart from all
departments their primary objective is proceed successful event like AARAMBH 2.0 &

List of Digital Events in AARAMBH3.0

•Dance Contest

•Story Telling

•Talent Show

•Young Scientists Challenge

•Singing Contest

•Art Contest

•Photography Contest

•Rap Battle Contest

•Speech Contest

•Magic Show Contest

•Slam Poetry Contest

•Fashion Show Contest

•Solution For Tomorrow

and Prizes

▪Certificate of Participation

▪Win exciting prizes


1.Raising Event Awareness

2.Generating Traffic

3.Increasing Revenue

4.Building Trust on the Event

5.Establish the Talents

6.Tracking their Metrics

These are the main objectives of the IFortis Worldwide’s event such that AARAMBH 2.0and

1. Raising Event Awareness

This is important because it gets people acquainted with your event and the services
you provide. It also makes you memorable to customers who can begin to trust your
brand, become loyal clients, and tell their network about you.

2. Generating Traffic

Growing the number of visitors to your site means getting more qualified leads (lead scoring
can help determine this) and ultimately increasing your sales. An effective marketing strategy
will help you through this process.

3. Increasing Revenue

Every business want to increase their sales and marketing can help achieve this goal
through a variety of strategies like optimizing your website and SEO, creating email
campaigns, performing A/B tests to pinpoint the best strategy for you, and much more.

4. Building Trust in the Event

Creating a high level of trust in your event leads to customer passion loyalty and
enthusiastic to participate again. This not only increases revenue but also leads to great

reviews both online and by word of mouth, which is still one of the most effective types of

5. Establish the talents

Through this event, IFortis Worldwide try to establish the talents of the students, youth and
any other category. As per the reason, they conduct lots of contests like singing contest,
dancing contest, fashion show and etc,

6. Tracking their Metrics

Metric are incredibly helpful when it comes to creating your marketing strategy. They not
only drive the strategy and help track its progress, but also inform what can be adapted or
adjusted to continually optimize your campaigns.


The definition of this sales funnel (also called a marketing funnel or revenue process)
describes the purchasing process that firms lead customers through when purchasing
products. Sales funnels are broken up into several steps, which differ based on the specific
revenue model. sales funnel literature review.

Awareness Phase �” where prospects become aware of the existence of a solution.

Interest Phase �” in which prospects demonstrate interest in a product by conducting

product research.

Evaluation Phase �” in which prospects or potential businesses examine opponents’

solutions as they incline toward a last buying decision.

Decision Phase �” in which a final decision is reached and discussion starts.

Purchase Phase �” in which products or services are purchased.

Reevaluation Phase �” in B2B sales it’s common for offerings to involve contracts which
will need to be renewed.

Repurchase Phase �” in which a client repurchases a product or service.

Inside sales managers commonly adopt strategies, tools and strategies aimed at optimizing
every stage of the sales process. Interested in us getting to the point?

Here are our favorite two Sales Funnel Tools: ClickFunnels & Builderall

Revenue funnels will be the pathway which catches earnings prospects and moves them from
awareness of your product to interest, desire and finally the sale. Here’s how to make sales
funnel to push sales for your company. Creating sales funnel is one of the most essential
things you’ll need to do as a company owner, and sadly one of those things that many small
business owners fail.|} If you’re unfamiliar with this phrase, the sales funnel is a company’

strategy for best prospects from the” I don’t understand you” stage into the” let us do
business” stage. It doesn’t just happen. You have to ascertain how to identify prospects,
qualify them, and then lead them in the buy. Consider how the sales funnel is shaped. It’s
wide on one side and narrow on the other. The broad end “grabs” the liquid you pour into it
and then gravity pulls the liquid through the thin end, leaving behind the residue of
unqualified particles. The purpose is to drive interested parties to the wide end of your sales
funnel so that you can qualify them as great prospects or identify them as “unwanted
residue.” First, begin by defining your perfect customer. Produce a questionnaire for your
self that identifies the topics your perfect customer has.

 Do they know somebody who is getting married?

 Did someone they understand recently pass away?
 Are they romantically involved with anyone at this time?
 Are they allergic to certain types of flowers?

You’ll have to create your own collection of qualifying questions. You’re not going to
discuss this questionnaire with anyone; it’s only for your preparation benefit. The goal here is
to work out of your perfect client’s needs and desires. Some people purchase flowers for
weddings, so you may choose to identify people who are getting married or know someone
who’s getting married. Odds are, your company has a lot of different sorts of perfect clients,
or prospects. You are going to want to identify all of them. Just because a person fits into
your perfect customer demographic does not mean they are always an perfect customer.
Perhaps Bob and Jane are arranging a marriage but don’t care about flower structures. They
surely wouldn’t be on your potential range if this is how it is.

Therefore, you will want a way to qualify your prospects once you have identified themand
when you’ve pushed them into your sales funnel. Qualifying prospects isn’t difficult. It is

likely to take surveys or run polls, it is possible to begin conversations and get folks to talk to
ensure they disclose their needs and needs, or you might make a product which appeals to
your ideal client then promote it into the ideal audience. Individuals who qualify will bite
while individuals who do not, will not. Your sales funnel consists of the means you use to
drive prospects and potential clients to your company and close the sale. Online, you might
have a blog that you write to each day. Once you get prospects into a blog, you lure them
with an offer so as to receive their e-mail addresses. Then you send out regular email
messages to find those prospects interested in a product which you would want them to buy.
They can then promote specific merchandise to all those sections. Another way to do it
would be to sell something which is readily affordable, state a $10 or $20 merchandise. Then
you have got a list of verified buyers. Then you give you a higher-priced service or product
and send a note out to your buyers to find out that nibbles on that offer. You’re driving your
prospects deeper into your funnel. If you have obtained a $100 merchandise, for instance,
you have to discover the people willing to shell out that kind of money for those benefits
you’re offering. But very few people will part with that kind of cash unless they know they
could trust you. For this reason, you want to slowly build up some trust. That means you will
need to offer you a lower-priced item. You are going to want to make this item, however
what should occur before you do so? At each step in the procedure, ask yourself,” What’s my
prospect likely to perform until they trust me to take this activity?” Then ask yourself, ”What
do I need to do to push my prospect for this choice?” A typical backward strategy for a
revenue process looks like this:

Flagship product

Mid-range merchandise

Intro product

Free informational piece (teaser)

E-mail opt-in campaign

Blog conversation

Social media interaction

Offline, it might look more like this:

Premium product purchase

Discount offer or one-item buy

First time at store/window shopper

Receives monthly brochure

Gets on mailing list

Checks out site

Meet at network even

The main thing is to know what your customer needs and everything you need to do so as to
deliver those benefits. To reach the first stage in your sales process, you have to think
backward from the point you want your customer to end up. That’s how you produce your
sales funnel.

The management and controlling of the industrial project acquisition process, with its staged,
funnel-like structure, has been neglected in empirical research so far—even though an
effective acquisition process is crucial for economic success. In addition to profitability, the
main goal of industrial companies is to implement a pipeline process that ensures that the
pipeline is always filled with acquisition projects and results in a constant stream of orders
over time.

The projects considered are characterized by complexity, uniqueness, and discontinuity.
Based on a large-scale survey among German industrial companies, we describe the
industrial project acquisition process, where the projects mentioned above are sold on a non-
continuous basis to industrial customers. We assess how the industrial project acquisition
process is really structured, whether a sales funnel management is applicable and utilized by
sales management to monitor and control this process, and whether a sophisticated sales
funnel management contributes to enhanced economic success.

Although existing studies provide different findings and conclusions, researchers generally
agree with the Monat (2011) statement that prospective clients are a heart of a company.
However the choice of prospective customers that are most likely to make a purchase is still
greatly left to guessing and intuition. This results in inefficient use of funds, inaccurate sales
forecasting, and loss of potential sales.

In the existing literature we can find theories that the effective management of the sales
funnel positively affects the outcome of a given process and can have positive economic
effects for the company (Chan, Nickerson, & Owan, 2007). Furthermore, companies can
actively influence each of the phases of the sales funnel and thereby achieve optimal results.
Accepting ineffective decisions throughout the process of management of the sales funnel
can reduce the overall value of the company over time, since that reduces the net present
value of each newly acquired customer of company (Ding & Eliashberg, 2002; Hansotia &
Wang, 1997).

Most of the authors agree that IS plays a key role in implementing operational CRM
(Ahearn, Hughes, & Schillewaert, 2007). For example, Reinartz, Krafft, and Hoyer (2004)
identify a CRM system as the main facilitator of CRM activities. Jayachandran, Sharma,

Kaufman, and Raman (2005) show that IS performs an important role in influencing
the connecting information processes in the context of CRM.

Nevertheless, mere existence of an IS in a company is not enough. The ability and

willingness of companies to use these IS effectively plays a key role in the success and
failure of CRM activities (Babakus, Cravens, Grant Ingram, LaForge & 1996).

Ahearn, Srinivasan, and Weinstein (2004) found that the use of the IS in the sales
process significantly improves its performance and contributes to the growth of the
performance benefits with improving sales skills and behaviors based on the information
provided by IS. Using IS for management of the sales funnel plays an important role already
in the first (widest) stage of the sales funnel which is targeting potential contacts and
qualifying potential customers.

Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management A Publication of the International

Institute for Applied Knowledge Management Volume 4, Issue 2, 2016 78 While some
authors advocate that the main objectives of the use of IT/IS in the SMF are
immediate improvements in sales compared to the number of contacts that enter into the sales
funnel, Boujena, Johnston, and Merunka (2009) believe that the most important goal
is increasing customer satisfaction, which leads to the achievement of the primary goal – that
is the sales of products or services of the company. Namely, the customers expect
organizations to provide them with accurate and timely information, timely responses to
requests, personalized offers, and professionalism (Homburg & Rudolf, 2001).

Boujena et al. (2009) observed further positive impacts in the use of IS for SFM on four main
levels of customer's perceptions that influence their ultimate satisfaction. These levels are:
the expertise of the sales staff of the organization, frequency of interaction with the
customers, responsiveness of the sales staff of the organization, and the quality of the
company/customer relationship.

Due to the complexity of the processes, SFM is practically impossible or very difficult to
handle without the correct use of the IS (Ahearne, Hughes, & Schillewaert, 2007; Boujena,
Johnston, & Merunka; 2009). The main reasons for the use of IT/IS in CRM are the ever
more complex CRM processes along with increasingly demanding customers and their
growing expectations. This require an integrated and centralized view of the customer
through all the points of contact and communication. Therefore, the desired objective is to
create a CRM technology that will serve the communication with the customers in a single,
consistent dialogue with the use of so-called multi-channel CRM. IT/IS also supports one of
the main objectives of CRM, which is to increase customer profitability through an increase
in client satisfaction with the services and the use of analytical tools that help assess
customer value and measure the performance of each CRM activities and processes. IT
also helps in customer segmentation and data mining, and participates in all types of
CRM: strategic, operational, analytical and collaborative (Buttle, 2012)




A sales funnel tracks the customer journey that your prospects (top of the funnel) follow to
be ready to buy and finally get converted into customers (bottom of the funnel). It records
which stage of the buying journey your leads are in and how many of them are in each stage..

 A sales funnel helps you deliver the right message at the right moment.
 A sales funnel enables alignment between marketing and sales.
 A sales funnel creates commitment and loyalty.
 You can save time by dismissing unqualified prospects and focusing on hot or
qualified leads.
 You can move deals into next stages quicker.
 You can track sales metrics that matter.


The sales funnel is the process whereby you plan to get people to take action either logging
in to your email list, purchasing a product or participating in an event IF YOU ARE


 The main objective is to develop the customer journey in a manner that

perpetuates great customer experience and provides optimal buying
conditions to meet sales goals.

 The trick here is providing the right message to the right audience.

 The process takes place step-by-step optimizing your each sale funnel

Remove the unwanted steps and procedures

Do not neglect payment option
Quality Leads are the prime motive
Address your customers – Know them


 Awareness: At this stage, it’s all about identifying problems that
potential customers may have — locating gaps in their way of working
— and offering a solution.
 Interest: Interested audiences will, at this stage, be undertaking their own
research to determine whether or a product or service is right for them,
and this may mean they’re looking at your competitors, too.
 Decision: At this point in the sales funnel, a potential customer is looking
to make a decision. It’s time to move away from the traditional ‘sales’
approach that you took in the ‘interest’ stage, and instead work to nurture
the relationship you’ve built up so far.
 Action: If a potential customer makes it down to the bottom of the sales
funnel, they are most likely in a position to take action.


Research refers to any original and systematic investigation undertaken in order to increase
knowledge and to establish facts and principles. It is an organized and systematic activity and
may lead to new and improved insights, development of new products and processes. Thus,
research is an organized and systematic way of finding answers to questions or finding
solutions to problems. Research is said to be systematic because, it involves the following of
definite set of steps in order to arrive at some conclusion.


A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a

manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.

In fact, the research design is the conceptual structure within which research is conducted

Descriptive Research

It includes surveys and fact finding enquires. Main aim is to describe the state of affair as it is
existing at present. The researchers have no control over variable. They can report what has
happened or what is happening. It is also known as Ex Post Facto.

Sampling Design
The following factors have to decide within the scope of sample design:

Sample Universe:

IFORTIS Corporate is stepping into the Apparel Manufacturing Industry (Textile &
Manufacture Industry) with an ambitions mission t create more employment opportunity for
the women and youth across India and helping them to become self-reliant with Obsessive
focus on the quality, worker’s safety and welfare, social responsibility and customer

Sample Unit:

It indicates who was to be surveyed. In maximum registrations customer was equally ready
to register for the event as the list of the potential customers, and their skill was listed, due to
which it became easier to target them and get them ready to participate as the chances of
them registering were very high.

Sample unit:

The survey was carried out on 35 respondents.

Sampling Technique

IFORTIS WORLDWIDE has grown into an international contestant in software

engineering with wide-ranging expertise in all the areas needed for reliable software



There are two types of data sources. These are

1. Secondary data:

Secondary data is the data collected from already been use or published information like
journals, diaries, books, etc .In this research project, some of the data was collected through

2. Primary data:

Primary data is the data collected for the first time from the source and never have been used
earlier. The data can be collected through interviews, observations and questionnaires.

In this project, an appropriate questionnaire was designed.

Data Analysis

A) Tools of Presentation:

It means what all tools are used to present the data in a meaningful way so that it becomes

easily understandable. In this research ??/and figures was used for presenting the data.

B) Tools of Analysis

In this research the tools of analysis used will be percentages.

1. It’s too linear:
These could be communication problems between employees and your
customers, kinks in the journey, gaps in resources, or many other things.

2. It implies a finite end:

Given that the cost of customer acquisition far outstrips that of retaining existing ones,
sales people are tending to focus more on customer retention.

3. It focuses on conversion:
These needs and interests aren’t necessarily making a purchase. They could be finding a
piece of information, learning more about a product they’ve already purchased, or just
enjoying engaging with your brand.

4. It’s singular: The classic sales funnel oversimplifies the process by

which a consumer moves from stage to stage, in one direction.

5. It relies on abundant attention:

Information was scare, and so attention was abundant. The salesman could
wield a lot of power over consumers.




Organizational Performance is a ubiquitous term which is nevertheless loosely defined.

There are possibly as many interpretations of the term organizational performance as the
studies that have used the construct. There are various way to measured organizational
performance. We look at some of the most prominent and effective ones of IFortis
Worldwide as follows:

➢Employee Performance
➢Event Promotion Performance
➢Performance of Contestants

In this particular topic denotes the measurable of new employee count and employee
retention of IFortis Worldwide.


Fig 4.1.1 a) TOTAL EMPLOYEE COUNT OF 2021 & 2022


Fig. 4..1.1. b) EMPLOYEE RETENTION OF 2021 & 2022


Event Promotion based performance concludes that the used marketing materials of
IFortis Worldwide for their great event AARAMBH 2.0 & AARAMBH 3.0 AND ARISE.






Fig. 4.1.2. a) Event Promotions of AARAMBH 2. 0



Fig. 4.1.2. b) Event Promotions of AARAMBH 3.0 AND ARISE


Under the topic ofPerformanceof contestantswe will know about the comparability of the
contests reach which attracts the contestants to participate in the event AARAMBH 2.0 &


Fig. 4.1.3 a) Contestant’s Performance of the Contests of AARAMBH 2.0



Fig. 4.1.3 b) Contestant’s Performance of the Contests of AARAMBH 3.0AND ARISE

In this chapter, I will give some suggestions and recommendations to the company by the
experience of my summer internship in IFortis Worldwide.

1. Know about the brand

Branding is the process of creating a strong, positive perception of a company, it’s

product and services in the customer’s mind. Here Brand denotes their one of “The
Largest Virtual Youth and Students Festival AARAMBH 3.0 AND ARISE in India”
and customer denotes the participants of the event.

2. Create brand awareness

Creating brand awareness is the key step in promoting a new brand. There are many
ways to create brand awareness of our brand through maximize our organic social
media presence, develop a voice for our brand and being a partner with influencers to
create content.

3. Promotion

Promotion is the process of communication with the potential customers(participants)

involving information, persuasion and influence. A well-planned promotional
strategies is vital for a successful event. Some of the promotional strategies which is
used to the event are as follows:

•Create videos showcasing the Event and Speakers

•Use Email to market to specified list of people

•Creating a Hashtag for the Event

•Rebrand our Social Media Profiles for our Event

4. Assign target

In this, we had to fixed our target and reached the fixed target. For that, I had to look for
three participants for the competitions as well.

5. Marketing the event

An event marketing plan is our event’s goals and what your event marketing plan is
founded on. An effective social medias event strategy will involve connecting
with your followers before and after an event. Here are ways to marketing an event
on social media before it’s happen:
•By post a countdown on Instagram Stories
•Create an event page on Facebook
•Post teaser with necessary details
•Create a Tweet for Attendees
•Add a Twitter Widget to Our Event Page
•Share the event page to our circle through Whatsapp
•Post the event with detailed information on LinkedIn
•Utilize Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn stories
6. Build a relationship After the contestants had registered for the contests through us,
Some areas to consider to build a relationship:
•Focus on Communication
•Be Positive and Encourage their talent
•Treat our clients as Individual
•Share Knowledge
•Be Open-Minded
•Keep in touch with them
6. Track the customers
We can track actions of our contestants take as events, both while logged into our
event on web or mobile and while visiting our website.


1. Long Term Process

Most event planners are familiar with creating a day-of timeline. As the name
implies, the day-of timeline lays out all events and tasks that take place on the actual
date of the event. This type of timeline is also essential to the event planning process,
but a long-term timeline is just as mission-critical. In fact, a long-term
timeline can actually benefit your day-of timeline because it set you up for success. It
also leaves flexibility in your schedule. For instance, you can add in “buffer time” to
deal with other issues as they come up, instead of rushing through essential tasks that
you could have done earlier.

2. Payment Barriers

When do you want participants to pay you for your work? Most event planning work
includes n registration fee to participate the events’s contests. In your contract
and in your event planning timeline, set a due date for the registration. Put it in print
that you will not begin work until the participants pays that amount.

3.Website Management

Website management refers to all the activities included in the process of

posting and maintaining a website on the World Wide Web. Though many
individuals and businesses create and manage their own sites. Likewise, IFortis
Worldwide has a website named www.IFortisCorporate.combut which is not
maintained properly now this website was closed. The web management process
begins with the design phase. At this point in a business relationship between a
customer and a technology firm, the customer meets with the graphic designer to
present his or her company’s hopes to portray on its new website. They should take
care of their websites and its updates.

4. Regulate the Emails

Emails Management is a specific field of communication management for

managing high volumes of inbound electronic mail received by organizations.
Also Email Management evolved from database management and customer
relationship management (CRM). In IFortis Worldwide, They may perform better
than now in Email Managements such as send mails for their trainee properly and
confirmation mail for participants, etc.,

5.Connect with Employee

Employee are any company’s most important resource and the better you know them,
the better you are able to keep them happy, engaged, and help them reach their fullest
potential. Some managers might shy away from integrating their team into the
process to avoid additional complexity or a potential clash of opinions. Yet the ideas
that could come out of the dialogue are often far more valuable and critical to
business success. So the company should connect with their employees.


The process customers go through on their way to purchase is no longer a simple path
from awareness to conversion; it's much more complicated. Understanding the
different ways that the sales funnel can adapt and change means you can create a
seamless journey for your customers.

AIDA,(Awareness, Interest, Decision, and Action) is the key element for the success
of sales funnel project. These four stages represent your prospective customer's
mindset. Each stage requires a different approach from you, the marketer, because
you don't want to send the wrong message at the wrong time.

So my company mentor already planned and assigned me tasks for me to execute

during the internship period. For the time period 1 months I did not only learn
about area of my interest –sales but also how to make a plan based on data and
survey to promote an event. I learned how important it is and also how can
organization can secure its user id and password and give access to all the
employees & the importance of social media in business today. I personally
think working in Event Sales and Marketing is not everyone’s cup of tea. Event
Marketers have to be updated with the changing technology which is proficiently
used by their companies competition. Continuous information of what is happening
around the world in terms of Events, Google Updates, Content Management, Virtual
Festival, is required. IFortis Worldwide is still in its growth stage and year-on-year
they are expanding not only in terms of customers but also the services they provide. I
feel very grateful to have this dynamic working experience with IFortis Worldwide
which has opened the doors for me into the future of marketing.


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