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the nervous system is a system that regulates and controls all activities of the human body. for
example walking, moving hands, chewing food and others.

the nervous system component consists of 3 types
1. receptors.
receptors are cells that respond to the external and internal environment. example: the sensory
2. Introduction to impulses
3. effector
effector is a cell that reacts to stimuli or parts that respond to stimuli from impulse delivery

nervous system function
the nervous system as a coordination system that has three functions :
1. controlling the body's organs.
2. control center of response from both inside and outside the body.
3. communication tools with the outside world

1. Central Nervous System
Spinal Sumsum
2. Peripheral / peripheral nervous system
12 pairs of seryobotak nerve (cranial nerve)
31 pairs of spinal cord nerves (spinal nerves)
3. Autonomous Nervous System
Sympathetic nervous system
Parasympathetic nervous system


2. Peripheral / peripheral nervous system
A. 12 pairs of brain fibers (cranial nerves)
 3 pairs of sensory nerves.
 5 pairs of nerve motori.
 4 pairs of combined nerves.
1. The olfactory nerve, supplies the sense of smell.
2. Optic nerve, supplies the senses of sight, visual acuity.
3. Oculomotor nerve, supplying the movement of the eyeball from the inside out
4. Trochleary nerve, supplies the eyeball movement down and right side left.
5. trigeminal nerve, nerves the facial skin, corneal reflexes, sensitivity of the tongue and teeth
6. Nervus abdusen, supplying the movement of the eyeball sideways
7. Facial nerve, nerves facial muscles, tongue (tasting).
8. Auditory nerve, supplies the auditory senses and maintains balance
9. Glosopharyngeal nerve, supplies tongue movements and swallows.
10. Vagus nerve, supplies the pharynx and larynx, vocal cords movements and swallows.
11. Accecorius nerve, supplying head and shoulder movements.
12. Hypoglossal nerve, nerves the movement of the tongue.
B. 31 pairs of nerves in the spinal cord (spinal nerve).
 8 pairs → neck nerve (cervical).
 12 pairs → back nerve (Torakal).
 5 pairs → lumbar nerves.
 5 pairs → hip (sacral) nerves.
 1 pair → tail nerve (coxigial).

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