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Be Kind

By Sage Robbins

Growing up I always loved to cook. I started watching cooking shows like Hell's kitchen,
Chopped, the Iron Chef, and my ultimate favorite, Gordon ramsey. I was inspired growing up to
be creative within the meals I made but also be okay with failures in which my ideas didnt work
or just tasted gross. Though I have always found joy in bringing food to the table and sharing my
passion for cooking with others. When I make something that pleases others I feel good.
Nonetheless this brings me to my next point. I think that true happiness is only reached when it's
shared with others. So for my project I want to mainly brighten up other peoples days by making
brownies and rice crispy treats in this case and giving them out to people. . I think that living life
negatively and not looking out for others is a false way to approach life. Instead people should
reach out with open arms and be kind to others. I sense that the world would be a lot better if
that was the case.

My main philosophy in the world is simply that people should help others and spread kindness.
I'm not gonna lie. I have regretted a few things I’ve done because of going against what I just
said but the point is living a life with an ethic of spreading kindness is what I aspire to do. That's
my main theme. Kindness. Being kind gets you so far in and for that I feel that that is the main
meaning of life or the way that people find meaning in life. I say this because being kind
negatively affects no one. Meaning that if you're kind you're only going to bring positive things
either bringing light to other peoples days or just sheer meaning to your own life. So yes in my
mind meaning and happiness comes from kindness. In which kindness is the center spoke for
the out branches to a meaningful life. My mom has always been super kind to everyone she has
met. This has allowed her to build meaningful relationships which have incorporated lots of
meaning into her life. For this project though I just wanted to share some tasty treats with words
of positive outreach. I'm hoping that people at the exhibition will find joy from the free treats and
hopefully inspire others to spread more kindness in their everyday lives.

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