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Rotational Modeling

Motion of a Yo-Yo
By: Max, Alice, Greer, and Leah
Radius: 0.445 meters (measured, with a tape measure, the string from where Max held it
to where it attached to the Yo-yo)

Mass: 0.04917 kg (used a scale to find the mass in grams, then converted it to kilograms by
dividing by 1000)

Frequency: 1.55 rev/sec (edited video to exactly 10 seconds, counted the revolutions in
the video [15.5], then divided by 10 to get rev/sec)

Period: 0.64516 sec/rev (divided one by the frequency)

Circumference: 2.7960 meters (multiplied the radius by 2π)

Tangential Velocity: 4.3338 m/s (divided the circumference by the period)

Radial Acceleration: 42.2067 m/s/s (divided the tangential velocity squared by the
Analytical Modeling:
V=(2πr)/t put into ar=(v2)/r becomes ar=([2πr]/t)2 ᐧ 1/r and if you
simplify that, you get ar=(4π2r)/t2. From there, you can put that into the
equation for force (Fr = mar) to get your final equation, Fr=m(4π2r/t2),
which you can now solve:

Fr = m(4π2r/t2)

Fr = 0.04917(4[9.8696][0.445]/0.41623)

Fr = 0.04917(42.20701975)

Fr = 2.07532 Newtons

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