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For situations that the This type of conditional is used to talk If + subject + past simple,
speaker considers unlikely about events that are unlikely to happen subject + would + verb in
to happen in the future. in the future. infinitive (without to)

The order of the two sentences The personal pronouns I, he, For example
that make up the structure of the she, and it use the was form as
conditional can be changed. the past tense of the verb TO BE.
If I had money, I would travel more.

If we start with the If condition, we The conditional form, the were

will separate them by a comma. form is used.

If we start with the sentence that The conditional form, the were
expresses the result, it is not form is used.
necessary to put the comma.
If I asked Susan out, would she
Can also be used could instead of
For example would.

If I ate less, I would lose weight. I would lose weight if I ate less.


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