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## Hangul

- why does it exist

- political
- historical context
- Chinese "soft" ruling over Korea
- > introduction of Hangul challenged the influence of China
- 19th century reflect the lingering influence of China
- practical
- impracticality of multiple ways of systems of writing
- gugyeol
- idu
- fight the illiteracy of the country's poorest to allow for spreading
of Confucian thinking
- how it works
- origins
- vowels
- consonants
- additive principle
- stacking principle

## Han

- what is it?
- fate, the acceptance of inevitable
- lingering emotion
- unerasable connection
- archenemies
- reaction to the history of Korea
- punching bag between surrounding more powerful entities
- describe history a bit
- why is it quintessential?
- the country it self is an embodiment of the emotion
- perhaps it's not a Korean reserved emotion, but Korea due to it's history it's a
great example of it

## Kinship Terms

- what does it show about Korean society?

- Confucianism influence
- reinterpretation of the relationships
- "daddy"
- how interpretation work

## Traditional Customs

## Religious Syncretism

## Founding Myths

- political weapons
- validation of power through the divine

## Korean Literature

## Korean Wave

- shared world culture

- limited market (there's only 8 billion people in the world)
- snowball

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