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SBC payment Process:


1.Credit card payment through SBC::

a) SBC UI:
i) Call center gets Creditcard details from Phone then executive post these to
SBC UI Payment screen
ii) when user submits the page, then PaymentRQ for authorization will go to EAI

b) EAI Layer :
i) checks if the request for Authorization then calls APP otherwise post
payment details to TBX.
EAI to APP Integration:
i)Creates reservation using OTAX CreateBasket to TBX.
ii) gets the reservation#
iii)Makes Authorization call to APP.
iv) gets Authorization response
v)Post Payment to TBX.

1. APP uses On2 Webservices (SOAP)

2.Credit card payment through SBC Future Payment::

(If the future payment card was not used for deposit Payment)..??

a) EAI Performs validateCard request to APP.

b)EAI gets Validate Card Response.
c)EAI Post Future Payment (Token,amount, APP RRN, APP Transaction ID, Issuer
AuthCode, Card type) to TBX.

TBX Batch internally picks this up to process further.

3. Credit card payment through SBC MANUAL AUTH :

a) EAI makes Authorization call to APP, then APP respond back authorization
(pending Manual Auth).
b)EAI Posts payment as pending payment.

Admin user uses APP Admin Portal for manual authorization.


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