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My Favourite Day

Sports Day is my favourite day because it helps me demonstrate my

talents. I am a very athletic person and enjoy playing sports. I can run
marathons and go through the ring of fire with ease.

My friends are also very athletic so we wait for this day throughout the
year. Moreover, on our sports day, we are allowed to bring snacks of all
kinds. So, I share it with my friends and we have a gala time while
waiting to perform.

On sports day, I always bring back home at least one trophy or medal. I
have a great collection of certificates, awards and medals at home which
signifies my wins on the sports day.

Sports day provides me with unforgettable memories every year. It

gives me a chance to make even more and better memories with my
friends. Thus, I enjoy this day a lot. When I pass out of my school, I
will try to visit my school on sports day. It will be a sweet walk down
memory lane and also a great chance to meet my teachers.

Conclusion of Sports Day Essay

Sports Day is a very exciting and happy day that every student looks
forward to. Every student can participate in different types of sporting
events. Personally, I enjoy sports day and look forward to it every year.
It helps me showcase my athletic abilities in front of an enthusiastic

FAQ of Sports Day Essay

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