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Ÿ web designing is creating responsive web

Ÿ website is a collection of web pages under
same domain
Ÿ domain is the address of a website
Ÿ web page is the hypertext document on
the www
Ÿ URL called as uniform resource locator
which specifies a particular web page
Ÿ A hyper text markup language for creating
webpages or web applications
Ÿ Markup/HTML tags - The keywords for
defining that how the web browser will
display the content
Ÿ <! DOCTYPE html>
Ÿ Hyper text - text which contains links to
other texts
Ÿ Markup - it is a computer language that
uses tags to define elements within a
document and human readable

<meta charset = "UTF-8"> //you are telling

the browser to use the utf-8 character
encoding, which is a method of converting
your typed characters into machine-
readable code

h1 to h6 - heading tags
<p></p> - paragraph tags

Ÿ if we use h7 or h8 tags, the text will be

printed acc to paragraphs tags

<br> //line break

<hr> //horizontal line break - self closing
Ÿ elements are the text inside opening and
closing tags
Ÿ attributes gives us the additional info
about the element
Ÿ formatting tags - bold, italic, underline,
superscript, subscript, mark, ins, del

<mark> //highlighting particular text with

yellow colour

<ins> //used to specify a block of inserted


<del> //identify text that has been deleted

from a document but retained to show the
history of modifications made to that
document. Pair a <del> element with <ins>
to identify the inserted text that replaced
the deleted text

<img src="address of the image" height=" "

width=" " alt="text represents the
image"> //prints the image
<a href="link" target="_self">text like click
me</a> //opens in the same page

<a href="link" target="_blank">text</a>

//opens in a new page

<table border="3(size)">
<td colspan="2"></td> //merging a
<td rowspan="2"></td> //merging a row
</table> //to print tabular info

Ÿ lists- ordered lists, unordered lists,

definition/description list

</ul> //unorderd lists(bullet points)

</ol> //orderd lists(numbers)
<ol type="i/a/A" start="7"> //list will start
from g

<ul type="square/circle/none">

<dt></dt> //data term
<dd></dd> //definition of the data term
</dl> //definition or description
<ol type="i/a/A" reversed> //points are

Ÿ Forms- used to collect the data or

information from the end user

<label>username: or Password:</label>
<input type="textbox" or "password"
placeholder="Enter here">
<input type="radio" or "checkbox"
<input type="radio" or "checkbox"
<input type="submit">
<input type="file"> //to upload a file
<textarea cols="S" rows="2"> //limit

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