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1. Woman: Can your mother drive a car?

Man: Even though she can drive, she always ask my brother to drive her to the city.
What can we learn from the dialogue?
A. The man can drive
B. The man’s mother can drive
C. The man asks his brother to drive him
D. The woman asks the man to drive her to the city
E. The woman wants the man to teach her how to drive
2. Man: Eric is absent again today.
Woman: Really?
Man: I’m curious. Although Eric seldom attends classes, he is always on of the best
students in our class.
What do you know about Eric?
A. He is a diligent student
B. He is a curious student
C. He attends classes regularly
D. He is a clever student
E. He fails in the examination.
3. Woman: I heard that you don’t like working there. Why don’t you resign from your
Man: Although I don’t like the job, I stay because of the salary.
Woman: I think you should find another job that you like.
Man: I don’t know, if I find another job with a good salary, I will accept it.
Why does the man not want to quit from his old job?
A. It has a good salary
B. He likes his job very much
C. He won’t accept another job
D. It is an easy and challenging job
E. He has more than one job
4. Man: I wonder about Mrs. Susi.
Woman: Why?
Man: She is never late even though she lives far away
Woman: You’re right. It takes an hour from her home to school.
What do we know about Mrs. Susi?
A. Mrs. Susi is the woman’s mother
B. Her house is far from the school
C. She always comes late to school
D. She lives far from the man’s house
E. Her house is one mile away
This incomplete text is for number 5-7
` Teddy is my schoolmate. All the students know him because he is the best student in my
school. Teddy is from a rich family. 5)______ his father is a millionaire, Teddy’s family lives in
a small house. Teddy is never arrogant. Although his father ride a car, Teddy goes to school by
bicycle or bus. He is also a clever student. He always helps me when I can’t finish my
homework. Teddy gets a lot of allowance from his parents. 6)______, he rarely goes to the
canteen. He usually brings a lunch box prepared by his mother. Even though he is rich, he only
7)______ vegetables and fruits.
5. A. In contrast
B. Even though
C. Nevertheless
D. Whereas
E. While
6. A. Although
B. Even if
C. Unless
D. Even though
E. However
7. A. Consume
B. Consuming
C. Eat
D. Eats
E. Needs
8. Man: Will you go to the meeting?
Woman: I think I’m going to inform them that I can’t go there.
Man: Why?
Woman: Even if I go now, I will arrive there late. It takes 30 minutes to go there unless the
bus is late.
What will the woman probably do?
A. Go to the bus halt
B. Attend the meeting late
C. Inform her friends that she can’t go to
D. Go with the man by bus
E. Arrive at the meeting after 30 minutes by bus
9. Woman: Tell me about Anya’s secret, please!
Man: No, I won’t
Woman: I’ll give you Rp50,000.00 how about that?
Man: . . .
What is the most appropriate response to reply next?
A. Even if you gave me Rp100,000.00, I wouldn’t say his secret
B. Although you give me Rp50,000.00, I will tell you
C. I will tell you his secret. However I don’t know his secret
D. I won’t tell you his secret. In contrast, I’ll give you Rp50,000.00
E. Whereas you give me Rp50,000.00 I won’t give my secret.
10. Woman: Where did you go yesterday?
Man: I went for a walk with my dad.
Woman: You didn’t like to go for a walk, did you?
Man: Even though I did not like it, I went with my dad just to please him.
Woman: You are a good son.
What can we learn from that dialogue?
A. The man hates his father
B. The man did not like to go for a walk
C. The man disappointed his father
D. The man was happy to go for a walk with his father
E. The man asks the woman to go for a walk with him.

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