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1. Have you ever baked bread?

yes, once I made an orange cake with my mom

2. Have you ever sprained your ankle/wrist? How it happened?
Yeah, one day I was playing basketball with my cousins and they pushed me, so I fell backwards
and sprained my wrist.
3. Have you ever made someone cry?
I think so, but it was my mom
4. Have you ever told a big lie to someone you love?
yeah cause i needed to get something so i had to lie to get it
5. Have you ever fallen or tripped in front of others?
yes, I was walking with my group of friends and some girls pushed us, then we fell on top of some
6. Have you ever cried for no reason and felt good about it?
yes, I do it very often
7. Have you ever called your boyfriend or girlfriend by the wrong name?
no I have never done it, and it would make me very bad if he confused it with someone else
8. Have you ever eaten something that you thought you wouldn't like, but found out that you
really did like it?
yes, I tried the grasshoppers and I thought they were going to taste really bad, but they actually taste
very good
9. Have you ever eaten frog legs?
No, and I would be very disgusted to try them
10. Have you ever broken up with someone?
yes, and i felt really bad for a long time

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