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        A:        .word          4, -1, 5, 3, -6, -6
                la        t0,A        #t0=*A
                li        t1,1        #t1=n_trocas=1
                li        a0,6        #N=a0=6
                li        a1,4        #a1=sizeofword
for1: #cycle with n_trocas
                  li        t1,0        #t1=n_trocas=0
                  li        t2,1        #t2=i
for2: #cycle with i and N
                  mul        t3,t2,a1 #offset(t3)=i*sizeofword
                  add        t4,t3,t0        #address of A[i]
                  addi        t5,t4,-4        #address of A[i-1]
                  lw        a3,0(t4)        #a3=A[i]
                  lw        a2,0(t5)        #a2=A[i-1]
                  bge        a3,a2,endif #if (A[i]<A[i-1]) jump to endif
                  mv        a4,a3 #tmp = A[i]
                  #instead of saving later, the values are changed here, using tmp also
                  sw        a2,0(t4) #A[i-1] -> *A[i]
                  sw        a4,0(t5) #A[i]=tmp -> *A[i-1]
                  addi        t1,t1,1 #n_trocas++
                  j        endif
                  addi        t2,t2,1 #i++
                  bne        a0,t2,for2 #if (i!=(N=6)) jump to for2
                  bnez        t1,for1 #if (t1!=0) jump to for1

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