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Meeting held on 11th May 2022 in the Ted Allen Room

In attendance: Mike Cobley (MC)(Chair); Carole Pamphlett (CP); Gill Hicks (GH); Roger Glanville
(RG) (Deputy Chair); Rod Cooley (RC); Jane Keech (JK); Alex Davis (AD); Linda Gahagan (LG); Fraser
Gordon (FG); Roger White (RW); Keith Davison (KD); Stephan Barnard (CL); Geoff Bateman (GB); Peter
Loveland (PL); Helen Loveland (HL)

Apologies: Marcia Dorey; Syd Marvell, John Myres; Hazel Upton; Jenny Stevenson

MC opened the meeting and welcomed SB who is a new site rep for Cross Lane and PL and HL who are
site reps for Sibley Avenue.

1.1 Action Points from March 2022 meeting: 1

There were no action points from the last meeting.

1.2 Review of minutes from March 2022

The minutes were approved.

2. Finance
See report circulated with these minutes.

CP suggested we should send out an email regarding the Shop Manager vacancy. She had prepared some
text which RC will send out to members in an email. Action: RC

PL asked if we need to make a decision re closing the shop if we don’t find a manager. MC pointed out we
have been taking a lot of money each week so the shop is doing very well so we would rather not have to.
RG brought up the question of the income received from the shop. The stock we have is about £8K. The
loss of income wouldn’t be terminal but would be a big shame to lose for the social and educational aspect
of it for plot holders.

Our insurance does cover us for solar panels.

3. Site Matters
See reports circulated with these minutes.

RC is still awaiting the incident report from a member who hurt their hand whilst trying to start a mower,
but it was decided this is not an issue as they didn’t have to seek medical help. RC has checked the
machine and it is fine.

MC brought up the Maintenance Plan for the next 5 years. The HR shed is going up this week. We are
still working on getting a container shed for CH. We need to lower the stone embankment at OR. MC
asked site reps to think about any items to discuss at the next meeting.

4. Lettings
See report circulated with these minutes.

Renewals are all completed with less associates renewing than last year. There has been quite a lot of
activity with lots of new requests. Only 7.5 open plots at the moment which should reduce.

5. Machinery
We’ve placed an order for two Stiga electric mowers, one small and one large, some batteries and
chargers and a strimmer. The mowers will be based at AB and PH and the strimmer at OR but can be

Minutes of May 2022 SHAGS Committee Meeting

shared by other sites. These are on trial to see how we get on and how charging will work. They are
much quieter and lighter and the batteries are also compatible with Mountfield.

We have four petrol mowers which are dead or dying which need replacing and these will probably be the
last petrol mowers we will purchase.

Weibang mowers have been recommended as very robust and this is preferred for PH. MC would also
like to buy Stiga petrol mulching mowers to replace those SA/TW/CH. HL said she’d prefer a battery
mower for SA, and PL stated the current Mountfield they have is very unwieldy, but MC said the mulching
mower is very easy to use and cuts the grass so fine it doesn’t leave any residue. PL stated the strimmer
on SA causes problems as no one can use it so possibly they could have a battery one in the future once
we have tested the one at OR. Action: MC/RW

A discussion took place on the issues with plot holders not cleaning the machines after use and the
problems this causes. There is also a continued problem with plot holders buying the wrong petrol. It
was agreed that MC would draft another email for RC to send out to plot holders:
Action: MC/RC

JK also suggested we paint on the side of the petrol cans so it’s clear only E5 can be used.
Action: Site Reps

Rich Waight is investigating solar panels. Security would probably be the biggest problem. We may be
able to get a grant from the council. It will probably be around £2K per site but further details to follow
once investigated. RG suggested the possibility of wind turbines which are more difficult to steal. PL
suggested a document setting out the pros/cons of solar power. We will await Rich Waight’s report.

6. Shop
See report circulated with these minutes.

MC asked site reps to also speak to plot holders regarding the shop manager vacancy; it doesn’t have to be
a plot holder.

7. Communications
See report circulated with these minutes. RC is trying to update the website so if anyone sees anything
that needs updating to please let him know. Another plot holder is now helping with the Facebook

8. A.O.B.
8.1 - MC reported we had received a request from Piggotshill residents to use that entrance for the
Jubilee street party. It was decided this would be fine and MC will let them know.
8.2 – MC suggested a BBQ for the Jubilee.
8.3 - The AGM will be on Wednesday 10th August.

Meeting closed at 20.30.

Date of Next Committee Meeting: Wednesday 13th July 2022

at 19:15 in the Ted Allen Room

Minutes of May 2022 SHAGS Committee Meeting

Summary of SHAGS Committee Reports for May 2022
Chairman’s Report (Mike Cobley)
Busy time ahead for all plot holders and every site seems to be very well attended. With the lack of
rain in April our water bill will be going up!

We await the final draft of our new Licence Agreement from HTC due this month.

There have been reports of trespass on several sites over the last few weeks and we now have some
CCTV warning signs available for HR and CL and maybe more to follow.

The HR shed is due for delivery late next week and the PH wheeled strimmer is back, much improved and
so much quieter.
As part of our 5-year maintenance plan we are now looking at solar panels to install on our sites,
which could power CCTV and provide charging facilities for any new battery mowers and
strimmers. Unfortunately, the solar panels and security CCTV cameras are now prime targets for
thieves, somewhat self-defeating. Site reps have all been asked to submit a schedule of long-term
plans for their respective sites. HR has their new shed on order and the base has been built in
readiness. OR site improvements suggested are levelling or lowering the stone embankment along
the Grove Road fence line for easier and safer access for strimming the nettles and long grass. A
Sherpa or a goat have been rejected.

It has been suggested that we should mark the Queens Platinum Jubilee, with perhaps an Elizabethan
barbecue? Any suggestions please. Piggottshill Lane residents have made enquiries about using
the entrance gates area as part of their street party celebrations as they can't have it in the street.

There has been an enquiry from the National Garden Society for 2023, where private houses open
up their gardens raising funds for charity by charging an entry fee and selling refreshments, by
expanding to include allotments next year. It could work well on our larger sites, but at usual it will
need careful coordination and some plot holders have already expressed doubts about security of
our valuable vegetables in these hardening financial times. Your views please.

May inspections are due and don't forget to carry out your H&S inspections. Old carpet is a
problem on several sites and please check for glass. Refill the First Aid boxes.

A reminder for Site Reps to think about requests for the maintenance plan to 2027 and we will
discuss at the meeting. OR the only one to currently put in a request.

Fuel fit additive is still available for those site reps who have not collected theirs; again only had one
site collect this so far.


Treasurer’s Report (Carole Pamphlett)

Our banks account stands at £ 31,032281, but we started the year with £24,892.77, so this year’s
surplus is £6140.04. I have now transferred the shop money it owed SHAGS which was £2,164.10.

The final for rent income was £11,2679.00, plus £140.00 for associate members. I have paid out
£7,992.07 which included the HR new shed to be delivered later in the year. We have spent
£1,383.31 on machinery repairs, but no new machines so far.

Minutes of May 2022 SHAGS Committee Meeting

We should be receiving our grant from HTC very soon which is just over £3,000.00, but this will be
the last major income for this year. There will obviously be more bills to pay but we’re sitting on a
substantial amount of money in the bank.

The new shed at HR has been the only major project this year, I know Mike and Roger are keep to
upgrade our machinery, as I said the balance bought forward from last year was £24,892.77, as we
haven’t spent much money over the last two years because of the lock down, so I think we can
afford new machines this year.

I continue to keep an eye on the shop finances, The current balance stands at £19,251.10, this
includes the cheque I issued to SHAGS also a cheque for the latest stock delivery.

Aldwickbury (AB) (Roger White/Tom Chichester-Miles/Hazel Upton/Richard Mottram)
No report received.

Churchfield (CH) (Keith Davison)

Most of our plot holders have been working their plots despite the hard ground conditions, planting
and cultivating ready for the coming year’s produce. There has been a lot of mains water usage, due
to the lack of rain. Over the last month, we have only had 12mm of rain on our site.

Two kindly plotholders have cut all the grassed areas and paths, whilst I have been incapacitated with
my back problem since the end of last year. As I am now somewhat better, I will hopefully be able to
resume work on my own plot at last!

Our Atco mower has become unusable and I’ve taken it to the Machine Shed at Piggotshill for repair.
We are now using the old Honda mower (donated to the Society) that we had on site as a spare.
We have never had a new machine on our site for at least 12 years, so I have requested that we are
supplied with a new machine as soon as possible. This mower needs to be a powered model, as
several ladies have found that they are not physically able to push a mower to cut their paths.

Fox incursions remain a problem on the site. Areas of plots are being trashed, dug up and property
belonging to plotholders, has been damaged. Rubbish is continually being brought in by them, littering
the site. Their defecation on the site continues to be a problem and is a health risk to all our

Cross Lane (CL) (Jenny Stevenson)

No report received.

Harpenden Rise (HR) (Marcia & Roger Dorey)

Most plots are looking good now with this year’s early produce growing on well and many new
things planted out already. Some of us wait however until all danger of frost is gone. Our new shed
is arriving this week and the base is all ready for it. The new wild flower bed that was produced with
the preparation for the shed has been very pretty with daffodils and now other flowers will soon
start to bloom. Our allotment site has been the access route for all vehicles during the renovation of
the new playground area. We are hoping that we will be restored to peace again soon and that the
armour plating over the main path can soon be removed so that the grass can recover hopefully.

Oakley Rd (OR) (Rod Cooley)

A plot holder hurt their hand trying to start the petrol mower at OR after it would not start. I am
waiting for the accident/ incident report to be completed and returned with the exact details of what
Minutes of May 2022 SHAGS Committee Meeting
Many tenants are working hard on their plots with some plots looking outstanding. A few plots are
however looking untidy.

Vacant plot 11 has no tenant and needs strimming again. Vacant plot 4 might have a new tenant and it
will be strimmed if this is not the case. The headland needs strimming again.

Mike Hughes assessed the Mitox strimmer kindly returned by Roger White. Unfortunately, the
strimmer head for feeding the Mitox strimmer line is still broken. It will not feed strimmer line. This
makes it difficult to strim plots 4 and 11 at OR plus the headland.

A battery powered strimmer/ brush cutter would be lighter for cutting the headland at OR. The
headland comprises loose rubble and lumps of concrete and is particularly bad behind plot 11. It
moves when stood on and is only held in check from falling onto Grove Road by the wire fence just 5
behind it.

Plot holders at OR have been sent regular OR status reports about the site.

The approved by Carole combination locks and a chain for the two OR gates have been received and
will be installed at Oakley Road after they have been trialled and all OR plot holders informed of the
combination code. Nobody objected to these locks being used on the site and both locks will be set
to the same combination code. An expense claim will be submitted.

Piggottshill (PH) (Fraser Gordon/Mike Cobley/Geoff Bateman/

Syd Marvell/Rich Waight)
We have a couple of volunteers newly recruited to help out with cutting the grass, but we are down
on mowers with the newest mulching mower now at TW under trial whilst their mower is in for
repair. One mower in our shed is only on 3 wheels so awaiting a wheel transplant. The wheeled
strimmer expired two days after its winter servicing but expecting it to be a fuel problem it was a
cylinder head and valves problem. The cheapest option has been a replacement engine, two thirds
of the cost of repair. The machine is eight years old but works very hard and is ideal for our big
site, especially helping on overgrown and neglected plots as well as keeping down the brambles.

We have six or seven plots which will come under scrutiny in the forthcoming site inspection, now
very obvious with the huge expanse of dandelions that have proliferated this Spring. As I write the
air is full of seeds blowing in the breeze. A couple of plot holders have been trialling dandelions for
hand cream/body lotion and another Dandelion gin. Spot the drunken yellow plot holders with
smooth skin?

The new shed approved for plot 29B has gone up and looks very well put together.

Sibley Ave (SA) (Peter & Helen Loveland)

The water was turned on in early April and the meter showed no leakage over winter. The meter
reading was sent to the Treasurer.

Cultivation of all plots, except number 5, has started and the paths etc have been mowed

Plot 5 remains unlet and there are no takers from the current plotholders. It is now quite
overgrown. There has been some discussion about putting any spare plants, especially squash, on the

For the 5-year plan, there is a request for a new (lighter) mower. The idea of harvesting rainwater
from the shed was judged impractical due to the design of the roof.

Minutes of May 2022 SHAGS Committee Meeting

It was decided to leave Plot 1 (the orchard) as a ‘wildlife’ area as the flowers and fruit encourage
pollinators. It would be expensive to get someone to grub the trees up and there is no demand for
an extra plot.

Topstreet Way (TW) (John Myres)

Nothing to report

Letting’s Secretary Report (Alex Davis & Jim Machin)

Renewal process is complete. At the end of the process we had a couple of final resignations.
The number of Associates renewing is down on last years total. There isn’t the same time pressure to
renew as an associate, so I expect we will get some ‘late joiners’ through the summer.
Lettings have been active following the renewal process. The dry weather appears to have encouraged 6
people to consider taking up an allotment. This has reduced the total number of plots available to 7.5
across all sites.

In the past month plots have been let at Churchfield, Cross Lane, Oakley Road, Piggotshill and Top Street
Way. The waiting lists haven’t increased (apart from Harpenden Rise).
There are still available plots at Cross Lane, Oakley Road, Piggotshill, and Sibley Avenue.
No further update on Duke of Edinburgh community work placements, such as in the Shop.

Machinery Manager’s report (Roger White)

No report received.

Shop (Mike Cobley)

April has been a very busy month with several Sundays around the £450/500 of sales. By Easter
Sunday the compound was almost devoid of composts, manure, topsoil and growbags. 4 pallets
were delivered on the following Thursday. Subsequent sales mean another order will be submitted
for a further delivery before the end of May. The shop will be in a position to make a larger
contribution to SHAGS funds this season.

The seed potatoes have sold much better, with Peter's reduced stock and there has been only one
disappointing variety which remains in any quantity, Sarpo Mira which is blight resistant, but few
people have bought it this season. There also remains a good stock of dahlias and begonias to be
sold. It's never too late.

We urgently need a new shop manager, so please talk to your plot holders and see whether
there is anyone prepared to help out.

Communications and Webmaster Report (Rod Cooley)

The information on the society website about neglected plots has been updated with new example letters
to be sent, kindly supplied by Gill Hicks.

The S.H.A.G.S. Spring 2022 letter from Mike was sent to all members and put on the society website.

Shop updates were sent to all members.

A Notice about a temporary Dark Lane closure for the Grove School was sent to all members.

The summary of reports by Gill Hicks for April 2022 was put on the society website.
Minutes of May 2022 SHAGS Committee Meeting

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