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The space occupied on the server by one database is called ?
Storage Space.

Is called part of the maximum database volume allowed?

database quota'

All the information in a database is organized and structured in a?

Database tables

Are the simplest type of databases in terms of structure?

Flat file databases

It represent a tree-based database structure?

B+ tree

This part is a lot of fun because you get to dream?
Write out the feature for Your App

What is a media kit?

A media kit is simply a package that contains some key information about your app and all of the logos for
your app

How many apps are in the iOS App or Play Store?

There are almost 2 million apps

It’s the third thing you  do before your app is published?

3.Document your journey: I love this one because it’s so organic. Publicly document your journey while
you’re getting your app built! Whether you’re a developer yourself or not

What’s the name of the platform we are using in class to build an app?
Appy Pie

Is a software solution or a set of programs that provide business functionality?
Business Applications

Is the type of business that used Apps between business partners ?

B2B applications

Is the type of business that used Apps for general applications?

B2C applications

Is the type of business that used Apps inside the enterprise?

Internal applications

They're built for specific business processes of a specific company?

Custom Design

 What offer a web host for your online company?
space on servers. Sometimes, registering a domain name and finding your host can be done with one

This capture your website visitors’ email ?

Mailing List

Is one of the business requirements?

Tax requirements
Banking services
Acquiring licenses and trademarks
Legal requirements that apply to internet marketing.
Sourcing of products and warehousing
Accounting and bookkeeping

It helps you acquire data on customer responses and understand consumer behaviors?

The type of delivery options you need will depend on ?

the type of products you offer

Is one of the best ways to make money online without the need to invest or buy products in advance?

With this idea you can sell handmade crafts or art?

Craft seller

This persons works by helping brands promote their products or services on their page?
An influencer

Is the person who create mobile apps and websites?

freelance app developer/web designer

If you have a good knowledge of any topic, you might consider starting what king of business?
consulting business for companies with websites

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