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Construir oraciones en presente y pasado simple usando verbos regulares e irregulares y las
expresiones de tiempo.

1. Admirado Aprendiz Complete y encuentra la forma en tiempo pasado de los siguientes verbos
regulares e irregulares.

1. Be ________ was / were 3. Break BROKE

2. Live LIVED 4. Travel TRAVED
5. Work WORKED 6. Study STUDIED

2. Admirado Aprendiz, completa el texto sobre un aventurero con la forma pasada simple de
los verbos.

Reza 1 was born (be born) in Tabriz, Iran, in 1952.
He 2 studied (study) architecture at the university in
Tehran but he 3 not become (not / become) an
architect. When he was a teenager, Reza 4. loved
(love) photography and, after university, he 5 got
(get) a job with a local newspaper as a
photographer. But he 6 not wanted (not / want) to
take photos of local news and in 1978 he 7 goes
(go) abroad and he 8 took (take) photos of wars.
Nowadays he works for National Geographic

3. Admirado Aprendiz, escribe oraciones afirmativas sobre usted mismo, utilizando la forma
pasada simple de los verbos y el vocabulario dados.

A. Watch TV yestarday.
B. I saw the tv yesterday.

C. Get up early this morning.

D. I got up early yesterday morning.

E. Have coffee and toast for breakfast.

F. I yesterday made coffe and tost for breakfast.

G. Come to school by car yesterday.

H. I yesterday i came to school in a car at night.

I. Play computer games on Friday evening.

J. Play games on a computer in the previous nights.

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