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Ok teacher and classmates. Today I will be taking about Joaquin phoenix.

Joaquin is person who has a beard, pale complexion and maybe wrinkles. But I choose this actor
because I wanted to show the changes of Joaquin in one movie.

Some popular movies who Phoenix acted is Gladiator' (2000) and Joker. Maybe the Joker is the
most famous 2019.

Ok in the first movie Joaquin was a king and his way of being was different from the Joker movie.
He had a different hairstyle, also he hadn't beard and the personality was more confident, laid
back and strong.

But all is different in Joker, because the actor spent eight months exploring how a struggling stand-
up comedian named Arthur Fleck.

The personality was more self-conscious, talkative and show a person outgoing but in the head,
the thinking’s was different.

The extreme weight loss — reportedly over 50 pounds — led to a kind of madness that helped him
get ready for the role, as did a book breaking down the personality types of political assassins. I
have never heard of it.

I didn’t want a psychologist to be able to identify what kind of person he was,” he said. ”(I)
wanted there to remain a mystery about the character.

And he was so nervous about getting the laugh right that he asked writer-director Todd Phillips to
come to his place so he could practice.

Ok finally the change, the transformation about Phoenix was amazing. When I watched the movie
no only the actions were a good. When he danced on the stairs. What that character transmitted
was amazing.

For me this actor and this movie are the best.

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