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He heard the song coming from a distance, lightly floating over the air to his

ears. Although it was soft and calming, he was wary. It seemed a little too soft
and a little too calming for everything that was going on. He wanted it to be
nothing more than beautiful music coming from the innocent and pure joy of singing,
but in the back of his mind, he knew it was likely some type of trap.
He sat across from her trying to imagine it was the first time. It wasn't. Had it
been a hundred? It quite possibly could have been. Two hundred? Probably not. His
mind wandered until he caught himself and again tried to imagine it was the first
She tried not to judge him. His ratty clothes and unkempt hair made him look
homeless. Was he really the next Einstein as she had been told? On the off chance
it was true, she continued to try not to judge him.
They say you only come to peace with yourself when you know yourself better than
those around you. Derick knew nothing about this. He thought he had found peace but
this was an illusion as he was about to find out with an unexpected occurrence that
he actually knew nothing about himself.
It was hidden under the log beside the stream. It had been there for as long as
Jerry had been alive. He wasn't sure if anyone besides him and his friends knew of
its existence. He knew that anyone could potentially find it, but it was well
enough hidden that it seemed unlikely to happen. The fact that it had been there
for more than 30 years attested to this. So it was quite a surprise when he found
the item was missing.
What were the chances? It would have to be a lot more than 100 to 1. It was likely
even more than 1,000 to 1. The more he thought about it, the odds of it happening
had to be more than 10,000 to 1 and even 100,000 to 1. People often threw around
the chances of something happening as being 1,000,000 to 1 as an exaggeration of an
unlikely event, but he could see that they may actually be accurate in this
situation. Whatever the odds of it happening, he knew they were big. What he didn't
know was whether this happening was lucky or unlucky.
Brock would have never dared to do it on his own he thought to himself. That is why
Kenneth and he had become such good friends. Kenneth forced Brock out of his
comfort zone and made him try new things he'd never imagine doing otherwise. Up to
this point, this had been a good thing. It had expanded Brock's experiences and
given him a new appreciation for life. Now that both of them were in the back of a
police car, all Brock could think was that he would have never dared do it except
for the influence of Kenneth.
He couldn't remember exactly where he had read it, but he was sure that he had. The
fact that she didn't believe him was quite frustrating as he began to search the
Internet to find the article. It wasn't as if it was something that seemed
impossible. Yet she insisted on always seeing the source whenever he stated a fact.
Do you really listen when you are talking with someone? I have a friend who listens
in an unforgiving way. She actually takes every word you say as being something
important and when you have a friend that listens like that, words take on a whole
new meaning.
"Can I get you anything else?" David asked. It was a question he asked a hundred
times a day and he always received the same answer. It had become such an ingrained
part of his daily routine that he had to step back and actively think when he heard
the little girl's reply. Nobody had before answered the question the way that she
did, and David didn't know how he should respond.

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