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Content analysis of the textbook has an important role because the result of
the analysis can be used to determine whether the teacher can use the content of the
textbook or it needs to be revised. This research was conducted to analyze the content
of English textbook based on five criteria proposed by Badan Standar Nasional
Pendidikan (BSNP). This research used qualitative with descriptive method. The data
were collected from English textbook entitled Bahasa Inggris published by Penerbit
Yrama Widya for Senior High School. The instrument of this research was table
checklist from BSNP. The researcher used the English textbook that has been applied
in SMAN 1 Kapoiala as data sources. In collecting and analyzing the data, the
researcher used table checklist to find out the result of this research. Then, the
researcher described the result of the table checklist regarding to completeness, in-
depth, social function, element and structure of meaning, and linguistic features
criteria. The result of this research shows that from 9 chapters of this textbook there
are 5 chapters that did not successfully fulfilled five criteria from BSNP and 4 of
them has successfully fulfilled. This research can be useful for teachers to gain the
information about the suitability of the content of the textbook in accordance with
BSNP standard. It is also useful for the authors of the English textbook to improve
the quality of the content of the textbook.

Key words: Textbook, Content Analysis, BSNP.

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