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Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

Hi! My name is Deandra from 4 SHOFA, SDI Al-Azhar 36 Bandung.

Today I’m going to tell a story about the family of Prophet Ibrahim Alayhissalam.

Prophet Ibrahim, his wife Hajar and their little baby Isma’il had been travelling
for days. They stopped at a place that had no water, no plant or human life. The
only thing they could see was hills and sand. Prophet Ibrahim left his wife and
baby there with only a small amount of food and water. Hajar was very
surprised and asked him, “Where are you going Ibrahim, leaving us in this barren

Then she asked him,” Did Allah command you to do so?”

“Yes,” he replied.

Then, because she trusted Allah and had deep faith in her heart, “If this is Allah’s
Command, then He will not abandon us.”

Prophet Ibrahim was very worried about his family being alone in the desert,
but after all, he obeyed Allah’s command. Prophet Ibrahim pray to Allah for the
safety and welfare of his family.

After a few days, the water and food had been used up; Hajar and her baby

Isma’il were hungry and thirsty. She stood on the mountain, looking at the valley

but nothing and nobody could be seen. Then she went down from mount As-

Safa and ran reaching the mountain of Al-Marwa. She hoped to see somebody to

help, but there was nothing and no one. She ran back from Safa to Marwa seven

times. It was hard but Hajar remained patient and kept praying.

Then suddenly, she saw crystal clear, water bubbling out of the dry earth. Allah

had responded to her cries!

Quickly, she poured water onto Isma’il’s mouth and he drank. She thanked Allah

for His never-ending mercy as they filled their stomachs. Allah rewarded her

patience by running water from the dry earth to ease their sufferings.
The miracle water is called Zam Zam water. Zam-zam water is 4.000 year old

and still flowing until now!

Thank you see you next time wassalamualaikum wr wb

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