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Press Release

[26 May 2022]

For immediate release

Howard X

Kim Jong Un impersonator

"Kim Jong Un” hails the defeat of CCP linked

politician Gladys Liu & The Australian Liberal Party
The Hong Kong/Australian Kim Jong Un impersonator Howard X, who surprised the media with
his appearance at the Australian Prime minister’s press conference on 13th of May 2022 and was
physically confronted on polling day, gives the facts and reasons behind his activism.

Press conference 13th May 2022 -


Howard X started his professional career as an impersonator in 2013 have been using his likeness
to satirise authoritarian regimes throughout the world and support pro democracy causes
especially in his home city of Hong Kong.

The choice by Howard X to attend the press conference in character was a spur of the moment
decision when a live TV feed on ABC came on in the middle of his breakfast. Realising the venue
was only a 10 minute drive, he quickly combed his hair, put on his costume and rushed out. The
plan was to sing Happy Birthday to the prime minister, pass a message from Xi Jin Ping thanking
him for the Solomon Islands, as well as giving my “endorsement” to the CCP (Chinese
Communist Party) linked candidate Gladys Liu for the electorate of Chisholm.

Upon arriving at the venue, Howard X arrived just as the prime minister was being rushed to his
car by bodyguards, however Howard met Gladys Liu in the car park a minute later. When she saw
who she thought was “Kim Jong Un”, her reaction was that of surprise, similar to someone who
was about to have a heart attack and she froze for about 4 seconds. The impersonator expressed
his “support” for her before one of her sta confronted Howard and Gladys quickly got into her

Unfortunately no cameras were present and everything happened so quickly that the
impersonator failed to get out his phone to lm the encounter.

Realising the press was still in the building, the impersonator then entered the factory and greeted
the dozen journalists and thus creating one of the most memorable moments of the 2022
Australian election.

It has been reported in the media that this stunt was organised by Drew Pavlou and his party
Democratic Alliance. This is incorrect, the stunt was not planned and Howard was not hired or
paid by anyone for his appearance. Howard is not a member of any political party.

However Howard X did reach out to Drew on 11th of May o ering a collaboration in satirising
Gladys Liu’s CCP links, after witnessing the news of Drew’s stunt with Max Mok on May 10th at
the Chisholm candidates’ forum. A few ideas were thrown around but nothing was nalised.

Howard X have been aware of Drew’s activism against the CCP and supports his campaign to
raise awareness of CCP in ltration of Australian politics over the years.

After Howard’s visit to the factory on 13th of May, Drew ew down to Melbourne and attended a
pre-poll with Howard in Chisholm together -

Drew and Howard also visited one of Gladys Liu’s staunch Liberal supporter Josh Frydenberg at a
pre-poll station in Kooyong on 14th of May. Josh tried his best to avoid Drew and The Dear
Leader’s presence, but the constant jokes directed at Josh and attempts to get a sel e eventually
made him leave the venue.

Becoming aware of these politicians inability to deal with satire, Drew provided the funds to
Howard and Max Mok to hire communist red guard costumes to turn up at polling stations where
Gladys were campaigning. Predictably Gladys Liu left the venue and abandoned her campaigning
as soon as the red guards turned up.

Drew also provided the funds for Howard to hire a portable PA speaker for him to use on voting
day. Howard visited 5 di erent polling stations on the day and it It was used to play North Korean
propaganda music and crack jokes “endorsing” Gladys Liu outside the venue.

Most people were laughing, however the Liberal volunteers got the AEC sta to call the police
when Howard turned up at the Essex Heights Primary School where Gladys was at. As soon as
the “Supreme Leader” turned up, she stopped her campaigning and left the venue. Howard was
interviewed by the police, however as no laws were broken, they left amused.

Howard states that “Unfortunately not everybody gets the joke, however the joke’s on them as
these people have provided some of the best reactions on the campaign”.

Howard was performing at St Peter’s Anglican Church Hall in Box Hill when a Greens volunteer for
Sarah Newman was so triggered by the sight of the impersonator he tried to steal Howard’s
speaker. He eventually agreed to abandon his theft attempt after being wrestled by Howard who
reminded him that he was breaking the law and he was making the Greens look bad. During the
chaos a Liberal volunteer stole one of Howard’s signs and ran o . Howard resumed his
performance after getting a spare sign a minute later.

Another incident caught on video was when a couple with an eastern European accent thought
Howard was the real communist dictator and took o ence to his “endorsement” literally. Howard
had to whisper in his ear that it was a parody before they left.

Although on the surface it might seem that Howard’s actions were just cheeky media stunts, he
believes it helps in raising public awareness of Gladys Liu and the Liberal government’s record in
o ce including:

• The failure of the Liberal Party to kick Gladys Liu out of the party even after her links to the
CCP’s propaganda arm were exposed by the ABC and various media outlets.

• Gladys’ unethical means to get elected in 2019, which included spreading misinformation on
Wechat and campaign posters in Chinese disguised in AEC colours.

• Her refusal to acknowledge Xi Jin Ping is a dictator and calling him an “elected chairman”

• Gladys’ use of the race card by accusing anyone of being a racist for highlighting her CCP links.

• The Liberal’s promotion of the insidious narrative that an attack on Gladys is an attack on all
Chinese Australians.

• The Liberal government’s sell out of Australia’s national security of the Darwin port for 99 years
to a CCP backed company and the Solomon Islands asco

Howard X lists his main inspiration of his impersonation on the Australian TV show “The Chaser”
and comedian Sacha Baron Cohen.

The impersonator who is also a music producer, is currently assembling a satirical boyband
featuring impersonators of Putin, Xi Jin Ping and himself as Kim Jong Un called “The Tyrants”.

Although Howard impersonates a communist, he loves getting paid for his work and welcomes
any donations to his paypal account

Summary of Howard X’s political activism and career highlights as “Kim Jong Un”

2013 - Protest against the CCP's repatriation of North Korean defectors

2014 - Participation in Hong Kong’s umbrella movement against the CCP fake election proposal.

Howard with Hong Kong democracy activist Joshua Wong -


2017 - Release of satirical Music Video Lollybomb with Russian band Little Big with over 150
million views

2018 - Meeting the North Korean cheerleaders at the Winter Olympics

2019 - Deported by the Vietnamese government during the 2nd Kim-Trump summit

2021 - Howard X gets arrested and has apartment raided by the Hong Kong Police
arrested-over-possession-of- rearm- at-raided/

2022 - Rescues Zelenskyy impersonator from Ukraine with Putin impersonator



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