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Respuestas de ingles

1. Why is it so easy to suffer from obesity in the 21st century?

Because nowadays there is a lot of demand for unhealthy food and drinks with a lot of calories and

2. Why did you choose the topic of obesity?

Because it is a very serious global problem that humanity suffers and that affects mostly to

3. What solutions do you give to the problem?

- Limiting the consumption of foods that are high in sugars and fats.

- Eating more often fruits and vegetables.

- Performing physical activities more frequently.

4. What is the biggest consequence of the problem?

The biggest consequence of this problem is that every time more people suffer more dangerous
diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, among others.

5. What is your project about?

It is about obesity in people, specifically in children, and how industries cause this problem by
producing fast food and soft drink.

6. Why is obesity important especially in children?

Because they have a disordered diet which can make increase the probability of this problem
and affect their psychological state.

7. How can this problem affect social relationships?

It can affect them a lot depending on the self-esteem that the person has, since some people can
bully them. Therefore, if they do not have high self-esteem, it can affect them a lot.

8. Why did they choose that problem?

We chose this problem because, at present, there is a great growth in both physical and
psychological diseases associated with obesity in children.

9. What are the main consequences of this problem?

The consequences are various, but the most relevant are the development of other diseases,
including cardiovascular diseases.}

10. why is this problem important/serious?

The problem is important because it has been affecting children to a great extent and therefore,
years later, the general population will increase the percentage of diseases related to obesity.

11. How can we individually contribute to the solution of this problem?

Promoting through social networks the benefits of eating healthy, as well as taking care of
ourselves, through exercise and good nutrition.
12. Who are the main affected by obesity?
The main people affected by this disease are children, since large fast food chains focus their
advertising on this market.

13. what causes obesity?

Obesity is caused by poor diet and lack of physical activity.

14. What are the current solutions to the problem?

Laws are being implemented to regulate good nutrition in places such as schools, where children
and adolescents spend most of their time.

18. a raíz de este problema se observa la cantidad de enfermedades que se han desarrollado, las
muertes e impacto en la vida diaria.

As a result of this problem, the number of diseases that have developed, the deaths and the
impact on daily life are observed.

19. El mayor problema es la muerte, sin embargo, para no llegar hasta esos extremos, se tiene
como consecuencia las enfermedades que se desarrollan con la obesidad.

The biggest problem is death, however, in order not to go to such extremes, the consequences of
diseases that develop with obesity are taken

20. basados en nuestro problema la obesidad causa que las personas crean círculos sociales e
excluyan a las personas por su condición de sobrepeso

Based on our problem, obesity makes people create social circles and exclude people because of
their overweight condition

21. de acuerdo con los problemas que siempre se ven, haremos campañas en línea, donde se vea
reflejado que todos somos iguales sin importar nuestras condiciones, económicas, sociales o
nuestro aspecto físico y donde todos merecemos respeto.

According to the problems that are always seen, we will carry out online campaigns, where it is
reflected that we are all equal regardless of our conditions, economic, social or our physical
appearance and where we all deserve respect.

22. las acciones que se deben tomar son; el cambio en nuestra forma de tratar a las personas, las
campañas de igualdad y exigir nuestros derechos.

The actions that must be taken are; the change in our way of treating people, campaigns for
equality and demanding our rights.

24. con cambios en los hábitos de la alimentación, la motivación e incentivar al deporte.

with changes in eating habits, motivation and encouraging sports.

25. esto sucede a nivel global, es un problema que nos envuelve a todos.

This happens globally, it is a problem that involves us all.

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