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The documentary is based on the survival of different aquatic animals.

I would to
talk about a few aquatic animals which I remember. In the first part I saw how
dozen of male and female whales together search for small fishes. This method is
known as bubble net feeding. The lead male blows a net of bubble and rest others
follow. Steve is a crab fisherman , he sends bait in the ocean for crabs and wait
for them to come in the trap, crabs are not born with big brains, they know how to
enter the trap but doesn’t know how to exit the trap. There is another fisherman
present in the cave, It’s a big octopus with big brain. He knows how to exit the
trap. It catches the crab and also eats the bait. Skinny polar bears succeed only
one out of 20 hunts. The polar bear tries to get behind the seal. Finally the polar
caught the seal underwater. It will help the polar bear to survive for atleast a
week, by the the polar bear will hunt another seal. In Australia, the dolphins near
the beach, use tail slapping and other techniques like pumping their tails so that
they attain a momentum and can easily can the young dolphins.

Large Bony Fish can completely swallow sharks.

Sea snakes have more potent venom than their other residents on land. They move so
close to the other fishes.

Trapon-has acceleration upto 60km/hr.

Sailfish must find it’s prey to surive.

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