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Source of Income

The source of income shall be indicated in following ways:

1. The natural significations of the planets such as Jupiter

related to priesthood, consulting, advising etc. Venus with

things related to sea, gems, beauty items etc.

2. The relationship signified by the planets. Thus, if Sun is

placed in the 11th from arudha lagna, the native shall gain

from the govt., father etc.

3. The relationships signified by the movable significations

(chara karakatva) of the planets. Thus, if darakaraka is

placed in the 11th from AL, there can be gains from wife or


1 Influence should be understood as placement at, conjunction with

or aspect

on a sign or a planet.

4. Upagrahas can also influence the source of income. Thus

Gulika’s or Mandi’s placement can show gain from

poisonous materials etc.

5. Placement of other arudha padas show gains due to

influence of the things related to such arudha padas2

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