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The pie charts show that people said about their relationships with their supervisors and

their co-workers in 2005 and 2009.

On the subject of their relationships with their supervisors, many people said that they

had a very good relationship. This figure went up from 61% in 2005 to 65% in 2009. The

next highest percentage was people who said they had a good relationship- this fell

from 26% in 2005 to 22% in 2009. Not many people said the relationship was only fair

or that it was poor, and not many didn’t have a supervisor.

Concerning relationships with co-workers, again most people in both years said the

relationships were either very good or good, the figure for very good rising from 63% to

70%. The figure for people saying the relationships were fair fell from 7% to 3% and in

2009 nobody said the relationship was poor.

Overall, slightly more people said their relationships with co-workers were very good or

good in both years but the differecence was not great. Although in both categories the

percentage of people saying relationships were very good rose a bit.

(186 words)

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