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Interface and Abstract class , which situation what to use with scenario
Abstraction and Encapsulation with real use cases
When to use inheritance, when to use Interface
Loose coupling and method overloading and overriding(Deep concept) with real time
use cases
constructors with super()., different combinations with static block and non static
Grip on static ,final key words
Static and non static member control flow
2.Exception Handling:

What is exception and error not theoretically definition like school going kids,
you have to explain from your experience.
Basics of try,catch finally
Exception propagation.
Understanding the Exception hierarchy.
Understand the Exception based on method overriding.

Basics of Thread
Ways of creating thread, Extending from Thraed class, implementing from runnable
sleep, join,yield methods with practical implementation knowledge,
Thread class methods and object class methods like wait, notify, notifyall
Concepts of parallelism , Synchronization
producer consumer problems
concurrent collection
4.Collections frame work with generics:

Hierarchy of Collections and Map

Grip on Collections provide classes and the interfaces, where to choose which
collection having a strong knowledge.
Grip on Map provide interfaces and classes,
Having the sound knowledge of Internals of Map,Set,List
Implementations of hashCode() method and equals method.
sound knowledge of cursor objects.
Good knowledge of Comparable and Comparator interface, where to choose which
5.Inner classes:

Basics of inner classes

Anonymous inner classes , and where to use with real time use cases.

immutable properties
String pooling.
7.Wrapper classes:
where to use
How important
Auto boxing and unboxing
8.Grabage collection:

Basics of garbage collection.

How to manage JVM memory for better performance.
How to manage heap memory and permgen space.
How to handle out of memory error.
How to identify memory leak and how to handle.
9.Object class methods

Hashcode and equals method implementation.

10.Date and time Api,Calander classes

I was asked to write a program for singelton design pattern and how to avoid
violation of its validity using java reflection.
How hashmaps works internally and when is resizing done.
Write a program to find one/two/three missing number in given series.
How java garbage collector works in detail.
Arraylist vs linklist.when to use stack/queue.
Given stack array write program to convert it to queue.
How ajax works.write equivalent jQuery.
When we use throwable in exception. Answer is in logging.
Factory design pattern.
Sql query to find 2/3/nth highest.
What are subquesries how is it diffrent from correlated query.
Given array write optimised code to find two number such that there sum is k.
Overloading overloading and method hiding.
Static methods when to use
Java enums
Overriding rules of user defined exception
How java classloader works.
Write a program to count number of character occurance in words
How hashset use hashmap internally
Find 10th prime number.
What are types of mapping possible in spring-MVC controller and annotation based.
Architecture of spring MVC.
multiple dispatcher servlet.
implement LRU in java.
implement producer-consumer problem.

Collection Framework
Garbage Collection
Design Patterns
Regular Expressions
OOP Concepts
Exception Handling

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