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Asking-Reporting Health Problems and Diagnosing

Ni Putu Ririn Meliyaningsih

Sarjana Keperawatan TK 1

Please translate into communicative English using the word given!

1. (sprained) kakinya keseleo

- Sprained his leg
2. (difficulty) ia susah bernafas
- He had difficulty breathing
3. (vomit) pasien itu muntah darah
- The patient vomited blood
4. (bloody stool) dokter, Mr. X buang air bercampur darah
- Doctor, Mr. X urinate with blood
5. (chickenpox) ia mungkin kena cacar
- He might have had smallpox
6. (constipation) ia mengalami susah BAB
- He had difficulty constipation
7. (bowel motion) ia sering buang air besar
- He had frequent bowel movement
8. (dizzy) ia merasa pusing
- He feels dizzy
9. (suffer) ia menderita sakit perut yang amat sangat
- He suffered terrible stomach pain
10. (bother) sakit semacam apa yang mengganggu anda?
- what kind of pain brothers you ?

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