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My collage is made up of different photos of people in different society and

different races. I created a collage that shows a weighing scale that shows
balance. A balance that shows, that we are all equal no matter our what our
status in society is, no matter what race we do belong, no matter what our
gender is, no matter what physical appearance we have from skin color, eye
color, hair color or even what language we speak, we are all human. We are
all equal in the eyes of our creator. Let us be the start of revolution, of a
change and make our world a better place where everyone is happy and not
thinking of the differences but helping each other creating a balance world.
Where no one is above or below others. A balance world where everyone is
free to express their feelings and free to do what they want. A perfect world
where we are united as one, a world where nobody is different, a world
where we are free. Because I believe that everyone of us is beautiful in our
own way. Because it is on us on how others will treat us and I believe on the
golden rule,” Do not do unto others what you don’t want others do unto you.

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