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Khoa Điện_ Điện tử Năm học: 2021-2022
Bộ môn: Tự động điều khiển Đề thi số: 01 – Đề thi có 2 trang
Thời gian : 60 phút.

Question 1: (2 points)
a. What is manufacturing?
b. Please list the types of Layout in industry, each type of layout, please give an example.
c. Please list the actuators used in factory
d. Please present the method to improve the capacity

Question 2: (2.5 points)

A flow-line mass production operation consists of eight manual workstations. Work units are moved
synchronously and automatically between stations, with a transfer time of 15 sec. The manual processing
operations performed at the eight stations take 40 sec, 52 sec, 43 sec, 48 sec, 30 sec, 57 sec, 53 sec, and
49 sec, respectively. Determine (a) cycle time for the line, (b) average production rate.

Question 3:(2,5đ)
The table below shows production data (cho bảng dữ liệu dưới đây) for three batches of parts processed
through a batch production plant (ba loại sản phẩm sản xuất theo mẻ). Setup times (Tsu) ( thời gian cài
đặt máy) are given in hours (tính theo giờ). Operation cycle times (Tc) are given in min per cycle. Q is
the number of parth of eah batch (số lượng sản phẩm của mỗi mẻ). Utilization fractions (f) are the fractions
of time during the 40-hr week that the machine is devoted to the production of these parts. The parts do
not proceed through the machines in the same order. Determine (tính) (a) weekly production rate (tính
hiệu suất theo tuần), (b) workload, and (c) average utilization

Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3

Part Q Tsu Tc f Q Tsu Tc f Q Tsu Tc f

(parts) (min) (parts) (min) (parts) (min)
(hr) (hr) (hr)

A 100 2.5 1.5 0.125 100 2.25 2.01 0.14 100 5.0 1.56 0.19

B 150 3.0 2.0 0.2 150 2.9 1.53 0.168 150 1.25 2.39 0.18

C 120 2.0 1.0 0.1 120 1.8 4.0 0.245 120 2.3 1.5 0.13

Question 4: (3points)
Consider the annual expense of a plant in the following table:
Types of expenses Amount of money($)
Direct labor 10000,000

Materials 3,000,000

Factory expense 2,500,000

Corporate expense 8,000,000

a) Determine factory overhead rate, cooperate overhead rate

b) Suppose that this plant will produce 100 products which are ordered from customer with
processing time is 150 hours. The total time for processing the parts (including setup and
other direct labor) is 120 hr. Direct labor cost is $20.00/hr. The material cost is 5000 $
1) Determine the total cost of the job.
2) Determine the price should be quoted to the customer if the company uses a 12%
Noted that the total cost =direct labor cost +material cost + overhead cost.

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