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Groups to the table based on the group of things they usually refer to A, Put these word: batch © huddle * heap/ pile * company + stack * team « litter swarm * flock * platoon + bundle * herd * throng * gang + crowd bunch * set * pack * staff * group * crew * cast + shoal / school [Peon in general [Peon worngropeter| Anima Obes Asejngesoa jesaueb B. Complete these sentences using one of the words from the above task. In some cases, more than one answer is possible. 1. After the election, the huge__ danced in the street. 2. The refugees sat in a small, tight _ underneath some trees. 3. The fist prize was a of cheap saucepans. 4 The school is closed because the _ are on strike. 5, The theatre _ __ benefited from 2 government grant. 6. Following an outbreak of BSE, a of cows has been destroyed. 7. The company processed a___of orders. 8A _ of football fans wandered around the street breaking shop windows, 8. Half the ___of the film were nominated for Oscars. 10. They threw the weapons in a ___on the ground, 11. Asmail of people petitioned the Prime Minister outside his house 12. The__ ‘of fish that had been caught were deemed inedible owing to pollution in the water. 13, We were all surprised when our dog gave birth to a of puppies. 14, Cabin _ ‘on aircraft are drilled in safety procedure. 15, As winter approaches, the _ of starlings fly south to warmer climes, 16, Half the football ‘were sent off in disgrace. 17, The stars had difficulty making their way through the of people outside the cinema 1A Of soldiers from the Third Infantry have been charged with human rights abuses, 19, The immigrant arrived clutching nothing but a ‘of personal possessions. 20.4, __ of flowers is always an acceptable gift if you visit someone. 21. We were unable to open the door because a___of boxes was blocking it. 22, The women fell on the surprised burglar like a of wild dogs. 23, The harvest was destroyed by a huge _ of insects, C. The following words all refer to groups of people meeting for a specific purpose. Match the words with their definitions below. delegation * tribunal + symposium + seminar * lecture * tutorial | students listening to a talk on a particular subject 2 group of representatives (for example, of a union) who want to explain something to someone a student or small group of students who attend a teaching session 2a meeting organised to discuss a specialised subject 2 small group of university students discussing a subject with a teacher 2a specialist court outside the main judicial system which examines special problems and makes judgements mmoner 27 Pee Coin Pablhing. ©200. Fer ference sete Engl Don fo Stade (9019062)

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