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Eliana robledo Hoyos- Dayana Castillo Ordoñez


INTERVIEWER: Good morning, nice to meet you

ALEJANDRA: Hello, equally.

INTERVIEWER: We would like to ask you a few questions.

ALEJANDRA: Ok, great i Will do my best to answer them.

INTERVIEWER: so tell me a bit about yourself, Alejandra.Where have you been working?

ALEJANDRA: I’ve been working in the stock MILAGROS.I am a commerrcial advisor.

INTERVIEWER: Ok that’s interesting. Why did you decide to leave?

ALEJANDRA: Well, i enjoy my work but i feel that it’s time for a change. I have experience as an
advisor and i would like to work as a sales advisor i this agency.

INTERVIEWER: What skills have you got that would help you in this job?

ALEJANDRA: I’m bery organised and always on time i have good people skills and i am polite

INTERVIEWER: ¿Why do you want this job?

ALEJANDRA: I would like the job because this is a Good organisation to work for. I like meeting
people and talking to customers.

INTERVIEWER: Do you work well in a team?

ALEJANDRA: Yes, i like working together with other people.

INTERVIEWER: When could you start?

ALEJANDRA: Straigh away!than you very much. I look forward to hearing from you.

INTERVIEWER: Thank you for coming today.we’ll be in touch.

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